
"From what genepool would the "narrow hips" / "big head" genes spread from? If this type of selection acted on thousand of previous "non c-section" generations", the big head / small hip genes would have been eliminated from the population by now."

Yeah it is. C-section basically is the reason of this new human evolution. I once interviewed a professor in genetics (Rolf Hoekstra) about the future of human evolution. He told me that it's very likely that in the future (it's hard to predict exactly when, but he roughly estimated 400 years) giving birth without

It's apparently it's not Noordwijk aan Zee, but Katwijk aan Zee where the transatlantic cables are. My bad.

Noordwijk aan Zee was featured in the WikiLeaks cables as one of the most vulnerable (of strategic importance to the USA) targets in the Netherlands for terrorists. There are some important trans-atlantic telephone/data cables that come to shore.

Well, here in Europe it's still the defacto standard e-mail service. And worldwide it's the numer 1: 364 million Hotmail users versus 350 million Gmail users.

The guy on the left is a robot!

It's true that Microsoft's previous attempts in the tablet market weren't exactly what you'd call a big hit. But we know that, other technology enthusiasts know that, but I doubt that the average consumer is aware of it. Certainly if you keep in mind that those Windows XP Tablet Edition-PC were business-oriented and

I don't get why you assume that I might think that Microsoft doesn't take the iPad or its potential seriously. Windows 8 is clearly developed as an answer to the iPad-threat. Therefore it's the proof that Microsoft does take the iPad as serious competitor.

The "revolutionary" was a metaphor for coming with a new platform instead of an existing one. I know the iPad was built upon the iPhone's iOS, but what I really meant was that Microsoft might/will be able to sell tablets (or convertibles) running Windows 8 to people who're looking to buy a new PC. This way, they

And that's Microsoft biggest advantage on Apple in the battle for the tablet market. People will upgrade their PC to a new one and will buy a Windows 8 tablet or convertible that would erase the "need" (whether real or the need to move along) for them to buy an other tablet like an iPad.

So what does medication that doesn't allow you to drink alcohol with it then? The same or the contrary? ...

Yeah, I don't know how long they could keep milking iNames...

With iriver as a notable exception due to the fact they already existed by that name since 1999. It's unlikely they choose that name back then –only one year after the introduction of the original iMac– as a reference to Apple. Apple wasn't even in the mp3-player business back then...

So it was a genuine British accent after all...

Isn't developing your own technology more expensive than using someone else's?

Nokia stands for quality. I still use my Nokia 3220, which is about 6 years old. It still works fine for texting (and calling of course), I only bought a new battery for €1 on Amazon a year ago.

It looks like Apple sometimes makes mistakes on purpose. So it can fix them in the next version. It abandoned video playback: guess what? Next time Steve will say users missed that functionality so Apple has made a new touch screen iPod nano with video playback.

I once saw a tv program about the future on Dutch television. They predicted that, in the future, you'll have offices in your apartment building where you can work along with your neighbours. You wouldn't have to go to your office daily and you still have colleagues, although they might not work in the same company as

@pixelsnader: + CERN stands for 'Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire' or in English 'European Organization for Nuclear Research', not 'Corporation for Education and Research Network'

I predict a round, bouncing Shuffle