
Actually, that's pretty fair. Maybe because I enjoyed seeing her so much there the fact that it's so improbable kinda blinded me.

Which is weird because she seems to write failure for Shoshanna's character extremely well.

I think analyzing her character on Girls overlooks a pretty distinct portion of why people dislike her. A lot don't watch the show, they just dislike Lena Dunham.

Trust. The. Process.

I don't care what incarnation the network might be now, but I can't thank them enough for introducing me to Tim & Eric (and like 50 other things but still).

Also loved the family dismissing Alana's brother getting a new job and moving to England.

Which, if I'm being honest from a business point, I get. The Rock, HHH, Lesnar, and 'taker get the biggest pops. And to the company's credit, they earned $5 million more last night than it ever had for any WM.

I could take Jericho beating Styles (not every match is going to go towards the newer people), but after Ryder (excluding the Women's Match), I agree with you; everything felt conservative and flat. I assume this mostly has to do with injuries - not just to Rollins, but Orton and obviously losing Daniel Bryan. But

You can't get me to dislike the work of April O'Neil

Surprised the statistic that 80% of IMDB voters are male and around 43% are between 18-29 isn't mentioned in. Calling it "rigged" is a bit egregious, though. IMDB grades should just be taken with the skew in mind.

I've never stopped watching a show specifically because of a character(s) death, but as I gradually became less and less interested in House Of Cards, losing Kate Mara was pretty much the end for me. I didn't even love her character, I just didn't like anyone enough left to stick with it.

Quick Wiki check said they started in '06.

I don't think it's totally controversial considering they're all good albums. Any order is pretty understandable.

Check out Brokencyde

I loved Skyward Sword, but I realize in hindsight the Gust Bellows was just a kinda lame leaf blower.

I've always had an issue with how people respond to war films, because I can't think of a genre where the crowd cries "INACCURACY!" more. While it's important to get everything right or as right as possible, situations like this film are a decent reminder that being incredibly practical and fair makes for a bad

That Perv hat

To be fair, they filmed this before the incident. Also he's a huge improv fan, it turns out.

So she's dating Tywin's son? This is BS.

Jesse Ventura is still kicking … somewhere