
Yeah. It’s part of why anti-feminism started. They got tired of all of the “feminists” who really use feminism as a tool to tell others how to act, dress, etc. or just a tool for tearing people apart and began to believe that feminism as a movement encourages that.

It’ll fail. It’s not the first place I’ve seen like this open, and none of them were any success either.

Yeah, my money is on her not getting any unemployment for the next year because of this.

Huh. I had no idea this was even possible.

You’re thinking of female castration when you said female circumcision. Female circumcision is removing a bit of flesh and fat, not the entire organ; most women who’ve gone through it are perfectly capable of having children afterwards.

I’ve heard that argument about Europe vs. US before. It’s almost never panned out when applied to reality.

That’s actually feminism’s fault. See, for awhile, a lot of feminists were arguing that female circumcism was equal to rape, male on female violence, and the Holocaust. MRAs have been mocking it and using their own equation against feminism ever since.

Yes. Because my topic-targeted amnesia pills were working.

Forgot the image, so I fucked up that post. Epic fail on my part.

I believe this image describes how you view stats:

Circumcision? That’s pretty tame.

If this passes, expect the cost of women’s hygiene products to go up. After all, tests cost money, and you can bet the corporations are not going to just pay for it themselves. Not when they have a large group of people who spend a lot of money on this already.

This happens. It’s not as bad as finding out you’re siblings after you’re married and she’s pregnant. That tends to be a very, very awkward divorce.

Most of them were removed months back. Just the ones they couldn’t find the most horrible assignments possible for.

It’s not the original Johnny Depp. This is Clone #544. For some reason, he keeps dying and we keep having to replace him.

Nah. They sacrifice the malformed and normal-looking ones to Mephistopheles in exchange for their continual fame and success.

Nah. They don’t use plastic surgery anymore. Too 2015!

Hoover Institution—a conservative think tank that denies climate change. Miller himself has also been an open proponent of GMOs.

That looks like costume jewelry. So, no.

$5 on this being ignored by most of Hollywood.