

Success is not a factor, that has been my primary argument. He never said he was as good as them, or even good.

Huge fan of Loeb!

In some areas of the world, Philippines comes to mind since I’ve experienced it, Facebook Messenger is considered “free” data. In the Philippines you basically say, “Yes, nasty capitalist and greedy company, take all of my privacy and sell it to third parties, but I’ll gladly do it so I never have to pay for data to

That the burb is in no way similar to the city schools they attend? In my view, that’s “pretty damned good” reason...if that was the reason. But no, it appears the reasons were horrible. But damned those damned facts that just happen to side with horrible people every now and then. :(

What exactly was he praising himself for? Racing as much as possible. That is an indisputable fact, and not one that means he is better than or worse than any other driver, only that he thinks he wants to race more than other drivers.

You guys are really an ignorant bunch if you equate his words with, “I’m as good as these guys”.

I thought people just compared dumb people to apes? And if someone decided it was racist because “most NFL players are black”, then that’s actually calling attention to the lack of diversity in America’s #1 sport. Again, a no-no.

If you’d only write better articles, I’d give you more likes and shares!

Chill. This exists in many places in the world.

Maybe don’t change what feminism means by constantly attacking men? If feminism is about equality between the sexes (or genders?) then I also wonder what is wrong with calling it “a human story”? If roles were reversed, you’d be pissing your pants at the sexism.

Fun fact: The first time I boned with a girl I was really interested in was during a Formula 1 race. In fact, that’s how I got her to do it. I said, “there is nothing you can do that can stop me from watching this race!”

Yikes! This is all kinds of stupid. “oh no! A company has created a series of commercials that don’t include people who have been their (sort of) only consumers for x time span! We must be angry!”

The Wright Brothers used French instruments for some of their calculations.. ahhh that’s metric.

Because of it’s definition:

Also, not talking to someone because they have a different opinion is the definition of several words, including twat. And asshole. And bigot. And probably hypocrit, as well.

Of course! I am American!

Because Americans force their culture and language onto others while eroding the cultural values that oppose America?

Which counters my statement how? Oh wow, the US created the internet... big deal.. we literally suck at it now. That’s all I said. We aren’t the premiere anything. Your claim was that we are. We are not.

You realize that airline staff don’t even get paid for the whole time you are sitting in your seat, right? That means, even if you’ve paid and if you’ve made it to your seat, the people doing the work are still not yet getting paid.