
The internet in general? You barely had a point until you got there... the internet may have been devised by, and essentially pushed into existence by Americans but if that were the case, I would argue that the best guns are Chinese. Don’t be a fool. Like I said, South Korean internet networks are more than twice

The Wright brothers were 2nd generation immigrants. Yes, born in the US but they’re less “American” than Trump’s children with his mail-order bride.

Someone often said if he ever had the chance to kill me and get away with it, he’d totally do it. One day I was so distraught with life I sought him out.

It’s also because people in Japan (and Asia, and even most of South America, Mexico, Spain... etc etc) do what they know should be done in order to serve the group as a whole, rather than think as if they are somehow special.

It’s more about the culture of the people on the other airlines and how they follow the rules rather than try to get things done differently because they’re special.

I would think it is largely because the people being served by other governments actually follow the rules and restrictions rather than attempt to have things done their own personal way. Once more, Americans are more about “mememememe” and many places—especially Asia—are more “wewewewewewe”.

Greyhound is a delightful excursion if you’re going point to point along the way. When I take my wife across the country, we’ll either go Amtrak or Greyhound or a mix of both... because we want to stop along the way.

In select areas in the UK where miles are also used...

The problem is that there are rules, and then there are the things people feel should be the rules. When people accept “the rules” and then choose to live by their made up rules, there is an issue. As long as someone can make their “made up rules” and the reaction to their “made up rules” seem deserving of empathy,

But if we’re to consider it similarly, then take that customer-facing job at Target and then only get paid after the customer has all of their bags and is walking out... then as soon as that customer is out of the door, you stop getting paid for that customer.

I hope you realize most people in the world speak 2-3 languages as a part of the requirements of being alive, whereas Americans in general just don’t give a crap about learning anything other than what is required for a useless piece of paper.

Maybe that attendant is flying against regulations because his boss says so, or there’s no real coverage otherwise, or how he isn’t getting paid, yet. I mean, if you want to do the job for free, go right ahead. I think, though, you’d get tired of dealing with people without getting paid for it.

Tell your friend that when I am asleep in the aisle seat, I can’t be touching her on purpose. Also remind her I wake up to manbutt in my face when they are helping the customer next to me.

It’s airlines from North Korea and the Middle East that dot the 2016 worst airlines list, with a healthy dose of two American airlines and a small handful of those from African nations.

The majority of the world’s worst airlines are straight from the Middle East (and North Korea...) but the worst is from the United States, been operating for decades, has failed every required test necessary before being given a license to take passengers...

In my experience, Philippines Airlines is one of the best. I flew ANA, Cathay, JAL as well as other highly rated airlines and I typically didn’t end up with many issues... but when I flew Philippines Airlines and missed a connection due to late departure from Manila, I was tracked down (tracked down !) by a

I’ve watched way too many episodes of TV shows specifically about airline disasters to believe that for one second. They are fairly even.

When Afghani women can walk around in daisy dukes and string bikini tops... just like God intended... ‘Murika!

A random fact: “We spent way less than this was going to cost using a different type of weapon and way less than you thought.”