Korean Cowboy

I pictured you in my head as being clean-shaved

I second the SL recommendation, but a latter 560SL.

I did radiation for pain relief for my upper left femur. I’m doing chemo for the rest of the tumours, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I had to finish up with radiation.

Between the two, I wish I was doing radiation. I would be in and out in less than five minutes, and the worst side effect was diarrhea, which is

I feel like we’re 1-2 years away from a cure (I have stage IV colon cancer)

I’m in the same boat as OP...stage IV colon cancer with mets (metastasis) to the liver, stomach, and bone (especially the upper left femur).

That last part means that driving stick is out of the question, as I walk with a cane...so it’s nothing but automatics. I get a lot of weird looks when I’m out and about with the

1) You can find some great deals out there for around $5K (or less) if you’re open to most anything. I get why one would gravitate towards a Toyota or Honda (I’m partial to Hondas), but as long as they have a good record of reliability and the car has been cared for, you should be good to go.

PS Ford Escorts are dirt

Same here...my wife tries to bring up putting our three year old back into a rear facing seat (RFS), but then I remind her that I’m 6'6" and he has to sit behind me because our two-month old is in a RFS, so that dog ain’t going to hunt.

I also remind her that I spent a good chunk of my childhood in the back of my Dad’s

I’ll never understand why they picked up Bortles’ fifth-year option. They had a body of work to come to the conclusion that he’s nothing more than a backup quarterback at best (or someone you send in during garbage time).

This needs to be his last season...release him and pick up someone else on FA or draft someone.

I’m reading a lot of comments from people (who obviously don’t have kids) who are trying to sway the OP into a vehicle that doesn’t have a back seat, because “why do you need another car that can take car seats?”

As a father of two young boys (3 and 2 months) and in the same boat as the OP (but with half the budget

I’m in the same boat as the OP, but half the budget LOL

I’m counting down the days until I get one of these #dreamcar

I’ve seen a car seat in the back of an (older) 911, so it can baby

What a sad existence

Those people are the reason why things never improve...they’re too busy looking down at others with their smug expressions on their faces.

Which doesn’t do anyone any favours, so why do it in the first place? 

Also from the DFW area...a lot of my friends rave about Redneck Heaven. Why, I don’t know LOL

LOL man, why am I not surprised. I worked for a telecommunications company in Seattle, and it was the absolute worst experience in my working career. I still have health issues to this day from the stress of that job.

Fuck Seattle. 

Even with one kid, that small wagon is going to fill up fast. 

I don’t understand the “no CUVs” thing because CUVs are lifted wagons.

This is my plan now...even got my wife onboard with getting one because it solves our two biggest problems now (needing more space to put the kids in the back and needing more cargo room with the stroller)

My ex had a Volvo...those yearly maintenance costs don’t seem that surprising to me

How do you like your Transit Connect? I’m considering getting one for myself