You have seen what a crowd-sourced bible looks like. It looks like the Bible.
You have seen what a crowd-sourced bible looks like. It looks like the Bible.
Ya because the bible is so much more credible than Wikipedia
Keith Law has the science on his side, but you have to give a man of faith like Schilling credit—
One year later I just bought a Wii U.
I bought the ps4 on release day, and the biggest factor for me is a simple one JRPG's because lets face it XBone wont have many/none.
it still doesn't really have enough exclusives for me to want to jump on it yet. It's really starting to become more and more clear that a decent PC and a Wii U is the way to go this generation.
With Ridley out for the rest of the season and Jonas Gray getting all of those touches on Sunday, LeGarrette is probably wishing he'd stayed in New England right about now.
On the plus side if he grabbed you there's at least a 50% chance he will drop you by accident.
As a fully grown man, I can safely say that I would have no chance fighting back and certainly not fleeing from Adrian Peterson
My main problem with this game (as with most of the previous pokemon games really) is that they still chose to make each title so separate.
While an adult may have a number of options when confronted with abuse – to flee, to fight back, or to seek help from law enforcement
These kinds of sauces are quite common where I live (Puerto Rico), like for example guava sauce on chicken. They're usually really good, but also homemade by local restaurants. I'd try this BK burger, though.
I actually would like to try one of these. I imagine It'd be like putting cranberry sauce on a hamburger, which sounds like it could be good.
"I can't think"
There are active rapists in the NFL.
There's these two letters in there in front of "likable" that shouldn't be there.
Seriously? Really? You've got a rapist in Roethlisberger, when Peterson comes back, a child beater, when Rice comes back, a woman abuser, and much more, and you pick Gronkowski, the gleeful idiot who is a total freak?
Every other NFL player is more unlikeable than Rob "Yo Soy Fiesta" Gronkowski. If you disagree, you are a miserable human being with no inner sense of joy and wonder.
I think it's also something that kind of gets obfuscated by the media around clothes. Fashion media on all levels tends to focus on whatever is interesting, so a guy dresses really well or really strangely might get some attention, but a guy who is falling back on standards or under dressed in a really boring way…