
Agreed. Crocs, flip-flops, sandals.. all gross and inappropriate for a public setting other than pools or beaches.

It's incumbent upon his station to be a bastard.

There’s gotta be narrative tension *somewhere*. If your character's gotta die to defy the expectation of the audience then own it. Embrace it. It's not even her character anyway. It's deliberately a completely different person with the same face.

I guess that is officially the end of an era. I hope you enjoy whatever is next.

Having confirmed this game is on the up-and-up vis-a-vis likeness rights etc, I am so damn into it.

Ah, well.. nevertheless.

I'm glad they're having fun. These are obviously the people the game was made for.

I swear I heard a Wilhelm scream in one of my kids' Thomas the tank engine videos recently. It was weird, man.

I won't even pretend to care about anything Activision makes, especially since all the parties involved here release their content on my platform of choice, but watching the consolidation of the entire industry into so few hands has been disgusting.

Cool.. I'm not American and don't care about your electoral issues. Sorry.

I understand the inherent problems and won’t pretend pre-Musk Twitter was in any way morally superior. But there was a time when it was a genuinely good feed for things pertaining to my specific interests. And it looks as though Bluesky is the most likely platform to re-establish that. If not, oh well.

I am also currently without and doing just fine. I don’t use social media in any social way. But the lack of Twitter has made it extra laborious to keep up with certain things, particularly hockey news.

There is definitely more flexibility. I won’t argue that. And I won’t even say it’s not a good design change. Just in my own experience it never came into play. Literally never used the muddle buds and puffshrooms. Just not how I approach the game. And no the Zonai devices don’t make traveling faster. It’s definitely

This is probably going to be impossible to explain but the example that made an impression on me was trying to connect a rope bridge to an object while the object or bridge was frozen in time by Recall. Can’t be done. You can only use one THEN the other. My intuition says it should be possible and my experience from

I am definitely not changing my opinion of Zuck and his crap just because someone else managed to dig themselves an even deeper feces filled hole. Wouldn’t touch Threads if they literally paid me.

So much... man..

First one was the only good one. It’s a great movie. Still holds up. They got progressively worse after that.

I’m talking about the *removal of the items from the game* not the method by which they were acquired.

I hate the idea of playing a game where the devs do stuff like this, moving the goalposts on a whim.

JeeZUSS that just ruined my day..