
I had no idea that boy was so thicc


You know what?! There is no Easter Bunny!

Very tempted to boot up Breath of the Wild tonight.

Okay okay.. so it’s not a “free version” that’s releasing on March 12. It’s just the game is releasing on March 12 and it’s a free download with a premium upgrade.

I don’t understand. There’s no “not free” version.

Inflated wealth is definitely his brand.

The Dear John motif is a little on the nose for a psychotic jilted ex.

Try thinking from the perspective of someone who hasn’t been playing since the beginning. You’re not the target audience.

Man.. I’ve wanted this game for 20 years. 

Praise be

I think you’ve invented Scientology....? 

Everyone who cares: SEE?!!!

We can test octopus DNA to confirm beyond any reasonable doubt that their origins are right here and evolved from other, older species that we have also confirmed to be from right here.

Always with the family killing with these liberals. Every time I have a family, someone elects a damn liberal and bam! Dead family. Again and again! Family after family robbed and dead! Stupid liberals.

No no no.. You call him up right now and ask him where the hell Mother 3 is. You don’t pass this buck. You haunt him through retirement if you have to. Harass his children at school. Ask his MOTHER!

Will we even know it to see it? Is there a silicon based life form exhaling methane on Mars that we think is just a mountain?

Is it even fair to call Facebook data-harvesting clandestine? Or is it more accurate to call Facebook users rubes?

Also good for swirling pasta noodles, if that’s your thing.

Never liked Reggie because of a laundry list of bad NOA policies during his tenure. Glad he's leaving but I wish him the best in the future.