
Emulators ho?

I was like 10 and it was a Batman movie AND a Jim Carey movie.. What do you want me to say?

Could you not stand still and move in a straight line forward in time? Huh? Huh?

This video player is garbo.

You guys just let me know when it’s coming to PC.

They don’t live in 2018. They live in 1820.

James Gunn said GotG3 will focus heavily on Gamora and I very much doubt he meant posthumously. So.. yeah. I actually don’t believe anyone killed in that movie remains dead and it’s honestly a shame that with all that build-up and such a great movie, we’re all rightfully giving it massive incredulous side-eye.

This is a travesty.

Was it ever actually put in the ground or is that whole thing just Photoshopped?

My intuition says it’s probably a goal. However, there is enough of a doubt that the rule says it is not a goal.

Look around at every series in the league, regardless of division or even conference and pick your damn poison. Every damn series is a juggernaut match up.
It doesn’t matter where you ended up at the end of the season or who you had to beat in the first round: You’re playing god damn contender.

But just how dark is it? Is it the Umbra of the Tomb Raider or just the Penumbra of the Tomb Raider?

Just further evidence of how badly Marty McFly fucked up by letting Trump.. err.. Biff get his hands on that Almanac.

I don’t give half a shit about Batroc but I do love that scene. Reminds me of the beginning of Metal Gear Solid 2.

He’s just a troll. Even his most ardent detractors understand he’s an amazing player doing everything in his power to win. He’s a habitual line-stepper.

The assumption that Mario Maker will make it to the Switch was a factor in my decision to get one. I still expect it will come. I expect to hear about it this year.

Putting ketchup on eggs is disgraceful.

Oh man.. that other one is a mule.

The absence has not gone unnoticed and why is admittedly worse than I’d imagined. I was hoping he was just enjoying a good long holiday.

This is true but it puts the responsibility on the point of production. Adding more electric cars will increase the burden on the grid and one assumes upgrades will (generally) be cleaner and you win through attrition.