
Yep, a really bad one that doesn’t even scale.

It’s not nearly as functional as it should be.

It’s hilariously bad. Such horrible use of space. Everything squished into the middle 50% of the screen. Just an inferior version of the website, which itself is bad.

Locking frame rates and resolution is kind of antithetical to the concept of future-proofing games on PC. It’s a fail.

Crisis Core came out the next year. Does that not count as expanding the mythos?

You’re talking about objectively bad people who want others to suffer.

It’s always the wrong sized drink at Wendy’s.

I’m pretty sure the fucking BIBLE asked you to you narcissistic fuck!

The people in MCU Harlem sure don’t seem to remember.

This list should include Metallica’s St. Anger

It is.

Screw PS4 ports. PC ports are more important for future-proofing legacy titles.

I say yes so that the movie can supplant that awful Kenobi book.

It’s absolutely been melted down for the gold.

Geez, coffee dude needs his own Marvel/Netflix joint.

Always come later to PC

Can’t wait for this on PC to finally replace playing it on emulator.

Marvel vs. Capcom Finite doesn’t have the same pizzazz

Absolutely. But not that it is sentient, let alone omnipotent.

You can’t MAN flip! That’s disrespectful to the sport! Show some CLASS!