
Fahey you’ve been had. Those are clearly dog treats.

I remember The Net, with the girl from The Bus

No no. Avatar was The Last Space Samurai of FernGully.

I once got to see the screen-used Batmobile from the first Burton film as a kid and oh man it made my childhood. Definitely best Batmobile.

Probably. Could also be salt. But it’s probably ice. The point is, they don’t know yet and it’s cool regardless of what it is, even if it’s the obvious thing.

Finally playing Arkham Knight now that I actually can. Then I will return to FF Type-0.

That may be the case with some games, like RPGs or linear action games. But it’s completely different in anything competitive like shooters or sports games or MOBAs. As well as sandbox games like GTA/clones or Minecraft or Kerbal Space Program.

I don’t think Matt and Karen holding hands hints at anything. He’s blind. He’s always going to be holding her arm in some fashion while walking down the street. Eventually it’s going to be her hand, as that would be mutually comforting on the mean streets of Hell’s Kitchen.

It’s not their property.

Who’s the snackologist here?

Sure is

As the two projects have shaped up, I've regretted choosing to kickstart Tides of Numenera over this. Pillars looks much better.

Did you even watch his video? Traffic had 3 lanes to use but were only using one. That cannot be intentional.

I would say the stupidest phenomenon in years is negative internet commentary about harmless things that others enjoy.

In "Thor", Mjolnir returns to Thor not in a straight line, but in a huge arc. So there you go.

As people were going through all their best/worst of lists of 2014, I realized I hadn't purchased a single game that released in 2014 other than Shovel Knight which I had kickstarted (and worked just fine). The most recent game I bought was Assassin's Creed IV during the Steam sale. Before that, Diablo III some time

Welp... that broke me.

It's Valve's platform. They can curate it however they please. They cannot stop this game from being sold. It's a PC game. It can be sold direct to whatever meager (miserable) audience it may have. That doesn't mean Valve needs to suffer the indignity of carrying it on their digital shelves.

The fact that there is a physical prop doesn't preclude that shot from being CGI. And I doubt Hamill knows which is which from shot to shot.

Being a basement dwelling recluse really is the best prevention.