
Depends on who you ask. The people dumb enough to think 13 is bad luck would say no.

That is to say that most buildings label the 13th floor as 14 due to incredibly stupid superstition.

No, that was Hiromichi Tanaka. He was a designer on the original FF team along with Hironobu Sakaguchi.

Terrible compared to what? Reality?

It's so easy to make things look amazing when you severely limit the scope of the demo. Nobody wants to play "3 Wolves in a Void".

It's pretty clear they were using the PS2 as inspiration. No doubt trying to recapture some of the glory of their global domination of that era. It also hits some sweet nostalgic nerves.

I agree that the box is just a box. I was, and remain, quite surprised about the reaction to not showing it at the reveal. As far as hardware is concerned, the controller is the part that matters. That's the piece we physically interact with, connect with. The box needs to look good, I admit, but its appearance has no

Why should random assholes on Steam get a better deal than the Kickstarter backers who made the game possible to begin with?

They shouldn't. Case closed.

No coincidence there, I suspect.

That's exactly where my mind went too. This would discourage me from even going near the books, let alone grabbing one and risk bringing one of those things down. I can't imagine I'm alone there. This is just a poorly thought out idea.

God damn I love Sucker Punch. I love inFamous. I need this game.

Xinput on PC

Thinking really hard on it, I have not played a game yet this year that I have disliked. Bioshock Infinite is the one game I've played but not yet completed so far this year so maybe that's the only answer by default. I've certainly enjoyed it so far and will get back to it, though I may start again.

My favorite game this year and probably for a couple years to come is Ni No Kuni. It hit all the right notes for me. I've been waiting for that game this entire console generation (even though I didn't know it was that game specifically).

Surviving on Mars strikes me as incomparable to wilderness survival on Earth.