
hmm. EB games in Canada only does trade-in. never cash. though we have pawn shops for that and they usually offer more, especially if you pawn instead of sell.

Back in the early days of FFXI (playing on PS2), I was in a dungeon as a warrior, but bit off more than I could chew at one point. Then a Red Mage named Lianah came and bailed me out. We completed the dungeon together, became friends, quested together often over the years and even to this day, still are friends on

So Nintendo can figure out ho wto use a meme, but they still don’t understand Fair Use on youtube... alrighty then

They missed a nice cross promotion opportunity. They could have said, yeah ok power rangers. I actually kinda liked those outfits. oh well, curious to see what changes may come. Maybe make them go super saiyan?

Nice. I’ve upgraded my internal to a 2TB already a while back, but my son’s has not been done so yet (slim model). So either might use an old 1TB external drive for his when it starts getting full or use it for myself should I begin to near the full state on mine.

There have been a couple of games where I was told none in stock. Whether true or not (guessing true though as none were at Best Buy or Walmart either). So.... bought it through PS Store instead digitally. bonus - no sales tax so saved 15% right there.

wow - so they have to become celebate? Asking a gamer to pass on all opportunities for a date/sex is ridiculous not to mention infringing on one of the most basic of human needs. Even if it’s Japan thing, this is also the country that gave us tentacle porn and all kinds of crazy hentai - no wonder they’re so strange,

You should check out some of CUp Noodles’ commercials on youtube too. I saw a bunch in some of those “weird/funny Japanese advert” videos.

While not as unique as these names, when we had our second child in 2004, we chose the name Vincent after Vincent Valentine. Turns out Vincent was also a traditional name used through my wife’s family so they just thought it was due to that.

LOL. “I’m going to sue Blizzard,” another proposed after learning that they were banned.yeah, that’ll work, sue a company because you used software that altered their property. That’d be like spraypainting on someone’s car and then suing the owner for taking your paint can away and calling your parents.

Personally the main fix I’d like to see is a FOV slider. Seems really narrow and makes me feel like I’m a space Hobbit at times.

It seems that the only ones making a fuss about the casting are white people. I honestly don’t see it being a problem as long as it’s good. Hell, I don’t think anyone made a peep when the Japanese live-action version of Attack on Titan cast a bunch of Asians (when there is literally only one Asian character and that