
yeah, nothing says noble quite like ebonics. Fuck off cunty. 

Gotta have some token negros to add diversity. Fuck them all the cuck Democrats. They are going to fail and afterwards we are going to elect Trump...and then Trump Jr. Its going to be great watching all you fuctards go nuts for the next sixteen years. Better get your meds, bitches.

Try having skills an employer will pay for, ya fuckin retard.

Some people feel fags shouldn't be adopting kids. That's how they feel, and you can fuck right off if you disagree. 

Why cant minorities handle the truth? Maybe accepting facts would go a great ways towards whitey not thinking your sketchy as fuck.

Nice to see that you left out the facts about Wisconsin having same day voters registration if needed, the fact that people can easily check their registration status online and correct any issues. Why is it, that if ANY fucking effort is required by a minority, it must be discriminatory. Do you lazy fucks need whitey

Fuck that mental mother fucker.  He was guilty as fuck about something and once again readers of the Rutt get a one sided opinion piece. Slack slinky,  you fit right in with the other pieces of shit that provide bullshit for this rag.

So, the Olympics committee doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. You fucking liberal cucks should be rallying around this like your mom does her stripper pole.

Damn, I would move to Iowa just to vote for this guy! The rest of you can just fuck right off.

Black lies splatter should be protesting stupid people. It's not a mayor's job to give a fucking blankey to every piece of shit in his city. You fuctards keep being distracted by every little thing,  all the while you fall further behind the rest of the world. 

Hahahahahaha....fuck off bitch.

White people make sure things are picked up, js.

Thats niggers winning the ghetto lottery,  wrong race there cunt.

Educate yourself before showing your ignorance,  you fucking idiot.

Wow, if he were to win a twenty dollar lawsuit against the Root, he could bankrupt the business and finally put all you worthless fucks out of business. Apparently your bitch ass organization is not worth the effort,  so just go fuck yourself. 

How is life as a cunt working out for you? 

They continue to listen because the alternative requires thought and effort,  and being socialist cucks requires neither. 

Keep choking on that presidential dick, you worthless piece of shit. 

So much fun watching the Democrats and their circular firing squad.  Please do elect a couple more like the cunts that make up the squat, they are the best advertising the Republicans have. 

Maybe it’s not because you are black, but its because you’re a piece of shit, that writes pieces of shit, for a piece of shit.