
How about using your office to investigate cock sucking Democrats?, fuck off you worthless cunt. 

Colon claperdick can choke on a forest of white cocks. Nobody gives a fuck about him or his fucking stupid opinion. 

You should try education, you sound like a fucking idiot. 

Ya'll attacking Jewish people on the east coast, Muslims on the west coast. Why can't you stop being stupid? 

On behalf of white men, I can comfortably tell you to fuck off.

Much like Bidens altered Trumps " some fine people " quote. Turn about is fair play, you fucking morons. 

Great, more worthless fucking coaches in a professional sport. Ya'll have to try and fuck up everything,  dont you.

Take your ahad riddled head, your wife's fuck trophies, and fucking leave. 

You can type fucking niggers, the internet police wont arrest you. 

Noooo, thems urban apes of the eastern US. When not seeking defenseless prey, they enjoy anal sex in cages made from iron bars.

Im waiting until the tards here start saying these attacks are by people supporting Trump. The socialist here will have gone full on mental and start attacking each other for being closet Republicans. It is very entertaining being able to read what opinions come from low IQ brains. 

Shut up cunt, nobody gives a fuck about your minority opinion. 

Please, let us know where you migrate to.

Hopefully hair rot fall his fat ass over soon. Dude looks like a fucking walking stroke. 

Yeah, blacks had no hand in slavery. You should brush up on history while you go fuck yourself, you are pretty much a worthless cuck. 

The truth is usually avoided by the racist socialist here at the Rutt. 

You are welcome, cunt assed bitch.

Suck it, bitches. Four more years, then another eight of Jr. Ya'll be the fuck out of excuses for being so pathetic. 

Go fuck yourself, cunt. 

Im guessing it's some niggers doing, ya'll fuck up everything you touch.