
Wow, how did that lucky cricket fan get her number??

I think you meant this.

I don't get it. I saw Waldo like ten times.

In defense of common sense though, even Ray Charles could have seen that was a terrible fucking call.

The Univision commentators have been apoplectic this whole second half. I'm down with it.

Yeah? Well he should try doing that with a glove. AND an eight-foot wall to climb up. We'll see who the man is then.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall...and Everyone Else, Too

"Martha looks good. Martha went to jail looking like Reggie Jackson, and she came out looking like Janet Jackson."

However, in Québec, it's "l'homme du Streau"

The only way it could have been worse is if he had called Drake anti-Semitic.

George Brett's Defecation Story Is Crazier Than You Could Imagine

It's also overheard at Jason Whitlock's local Kia dealership.

I know there are, or were in the past, a lot of Yankees fans in Oklahoma due to Mickey Mantle being from there (I imagine the pocket of navy blue in the northeast corner is a remnant of that, since he's from that area), so maybe it's because of some player with Louisiana roots? The only one I can think of off-hand is

The Marge Schott-era Reds.

Talk about an un-Happy Youngster.

I understand why Ray Emery was so pissed; his name doesn't even start with the number 3!

The crew at the Fake Corporate Headquarters Bowl in Dover didn't fare much better themselves.

You could almost say they work together in perfect harmony.

I believe you mean "Arse-Early", there.

"Four pots? What sport is this?"