
I think part of the reason Uber and Lyft are able to keep soldiering on is that there’s a seemingly inexhaustible supply of hard-up folks that are willing to give it a try, often in spite of the horror stories they’ve heard.  You’ve got to think that that supply of labor will dry up sooner than later. 

I wonder what would have happened if Greenwood was left to flourish instead of just another atrocity. If white people werent so hateful and decided that sitting under a lynched black body picnicking wasnt enough but but slaughtering innocents and burning down a whole town was the sweet spot. There would have been many

The hilarious thing about this is that republicans think America is so damn great than other countries that rich white people actually want to move here over all the choices they actually have.

Unless there’s a Freaky Friday scenario between Sanders and Buttigieg, I’m still rocking with the 78-year old.

“My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!” “In a row?”

“What do you care, you shoe polish-smelling motherfucker?”

Yo baby... you ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?

So many great lines from all of his movies.. 

“You got any balls down there?’

Oh, she hates herself. But not as much as she hates consequences.

It’s very much built by FDR democrats. Where you have policies that would benefit everyone but are administered to in such a way to exclude black people.

The biggest failure of the democratic party has been to shun it’s traditional populism. trump seized on that even if it is 100% bullshit. 

Otherwise known as the Gish Gallop, “a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for accuracy or strength of the arguments.”

She is so right. This will only upset the Republicans, who have shown themselves to be thoughtful, dedicated partners in steering the ship of state, and potentially turn off Republican voters, who are clearly considerate and open-minded and almost assuredly would vote for the best person and not just the member of

I’m not convinced that Jay-Z didn’t know. Before this he was at that NFL press conference talking about the impact growing up in a single parent household has on development, and for extra points he even “all lives mattered” that whole civil rights thing.

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

If she were a Nazi, Fox News would give her a show. That’s how you know she isn’t one.

Can we talk about how the damn Funkasauras is on FOX??

At first I thought you were referring to the inimitable Sextina Aquafina from Bojack Horseman, and this pairing sounded even more exciting. Then I Googled the name, and while I still approve, it’s not quite the same.