
Unfortunate opinion: My wife’s favorite song on our anniversary and on my birthday’s is Positive K’s, “I’m Not Havin’ It”.

where does “mmm” rank?

I’m not tryin to hear that, see

You have Positive K criminally underrated. Also, unpopular opinion: Carhoppers is much better than I Got A Man.

This illegitimate motherfucker just physically threatened the majority of Americans that disapprove of him.

It should be noted that many alt-right groups are also going out of their way to use the film equivalent of “I have a black friend.” by using Alita: Battle Angle as a Vivian James-esque shield for their bigotry because for some reason they think it’s “less political” than Captain Marvel.

She supports Omar, she just knows that Omar is toast. In America you can be racist as fuck against Muslim women and that’s fine, but a Muslim woman who criticizes Israel (or American allegiance to Israel) is going to be dragged until her career is over.

This. She’s simply saying as politely as possible something Omar herself has said— that her initial statement (and possibly other past statements/associations) were put inartfully and that the Representative could use some education on the history of antisemitic tropes.

This would seem to answer her questions, particularly since she referenced Juan Vargas’ ridiculous comment.

I’m glad I’m not the only one to reference this (although I don’t know how to embed the tweets, I did link them in my response). I certainly hope the author simply missed these tweets, because the article sure goes out of its way to ignore them. 

Based on these tweets,I think it’s reasonable to think she spports Omar and the position that it’s legitimate to criticize foreign policy as it pertains to U.S-Israel relations:

They way you can tell Bernie is the right choice for 2020 is the people that hate and fear him have no argument against any of his policies or ideas.    The key aspect to Bernie’s popularity is he has been telling the truth his whole career and everyone knows it is true when they hear it.   When he talks about the

I don’t have a problem with Jones speaking at Griftacon or reaching out to conservatives. It’s a tragedy that he feels the need to stifle his voice to do so. I don’t think he grasps how harmful his reductionist take on CJR was to Democrats, Progressives, Liberals and most of all African-American activists who have put

I like grits with light brown sugar and a dab of salted butter. There I said it. It's gooood!

As long as Democrats are lead by Nancy Pelosi the only way they will take on Islamophobia is if Muslims gather lots of money and influence and use it to bribe members of Congress.

he fiscal conservatives got tired of seeing the nation waste $80 billion a year of taxpayer money on a prison system that hurts many more people than it helps.

I’m so glad I’m not the person who caught that joke.  It was horrible (in a great way) and it got no reaction.

Yes! So many sleeper jokes in an over the top sketch. The wedding one this week was similar.