
It took years and waiting for great cooks to pass on and make room at the top but I am finally Uncle got-it-all, GrillMaster.

Serena could have kept it moving and not say anything or ride the fence.

So fuck Bob McColluch, Matt Shirtcliff and the Oregon District Attorneys Association Conference as an organization, crew and record label.

The Myth of John McCain

John McCain is dead. How will he be remembered? How should he be remembered? These are two separate questions, which

I was fortunate to see Dark City in the theatre knowing little more than that a guy wakes up with no memory, next to a murdered woman, and is pursued by strange men. It was great. And I was truly shocked at the big reveal when Willian Hurt broke that wall down (something which, inexplicably, was given away on the back

Anyone who seeks to sow division between people who care about economic inequality and people who care about racial inequality is a cop who should be kicked in the nuts.

We spoke to Derek regarding his interview yesterday and he completely understands the severity of the situation and he apologizes if it offended anyone. That was not his intention at all, but he’s taking full responsibility for it.

Yeah, the shitty regulation and the fake-negotiated rates are absolutely part of it. But there’s so much more. Our system is broken from top to bottom.

The best part of this is that the people she was complaining to for being obsessed with the president were the fucking White House press corps.

A Dangerfield getting disrespected? Typical

Y’all want Mike to get fired up you have to ask him about Kwame Brown.

“If you can’t pronounce a menu item, it’s not making its way to Applebee’s menu,” Cywkinsi said

Exactly. He could’ve kept his mouth shut and kept it moving, but he had to talk out the side of his mouth. I get it, Jerry Jones signs your paychecks, you don’t want him to fuck with your money and then blackball you for the crime of *checks notes* saying police officers shooting unarmed black men is wrong. Fine, I

Comments like this have me actually seeing both sides of the story, damn man why did you have to bring rationality into the comments section.

Your ideas are intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

As I’ve said repeatedly and will continue to assert:

I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of Cardinals fans cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear we’ll never learn which lives matter.

Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.