
It’s not so much about what leverage was or wasn’t lost. It’s about how AGAIN the Democrats are going to be perceived by many as being weak because they weren’t willing to draw a hard line with McConnell by holding him to action on the DREAMers and that he played them like a fiddle. Voters who want to see a truly

The GOP was never going to let CHIP not be renewed eventually because too many of their base fall into the category of needing that service.

Oh stop, please just stop.

Of course, you’re right. IT could’ve had his little remembrance when he returned to Boston the first time. He didn’t want it then, so tough shit. Pierce helped the Celtics get a championship.

It’s like, “we get it lady, you would’ve gladily given up your seat on the bus.”
But it sounds like she would’ve also been yelling at Parks from the back complaining that she’s getting home late.

If this 2016 Election taught us nothing else, it’s that a woman can blow a massive lead due to arrogance and complacency just as well as a man.

I think asking a bunch of 9 and 10-year-olds to unpack the rationale of 17th-19th century slaveowners and the governments that permitted the practice is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve seen today. Shit, good on the kid that the answer was “there is no good thing” but on bad things...chores? If you’re going to ask such

I’ve never met an African immigrant that called themselves Black. Every African person I’ve ever dealt with has proudly claimed there country of origin. Hell I’ve had an Africans from Ethiopia, Eritrea & Nigeria from different points of my life question me on why Blacks choose to call ourselves African American when

I definitely see where you’re coming from. I enjoyed Andromeda but can see why people were upset about it. However, the outrage of the most vocal detractors was vastly disproportionate to the quality of the game. Sure it was buggy, but so was the original Mass Effect.

So... What are your plans for this weekend? Me? Nothing much. Plan on getting a haircut. Currently, I am just doing the ‘gel it and smooth it down’ to the new growth.

Men, we need to take responsibility for our actions BEFORE we die so that things like this don’t happen. That’s why I just sat my wife and children down on the couch and told them that when Daddy leaves their mother in a few years for a piece of hot young blond ass, there is NO WAY I will leave them out of my will.

College football championships have a half time show?

Now playing

Highly recommend checking out Desus & Mero’s appearance on Garbage Time. Ç’est Magnifique.

I had an interesting thought yesterday and this article reminded me of it.

His favorite position is holding hands.

Wow. Powerful tribute, rest in power.

The proper nomenclature is RED Kool-Aid. Please govern yourself accordingly 😊

I feel like this and the backlash over the “black men are the white people of black people” article go hand in hand.