
1.) Rape is always the perpetrator's fault. 2.) Do you think the difference between the girls you know who were "fine" with being nude, and/or having sex, being photographed and then having those photographs distributed and Rehtaeh's tragedy might be attributed to the "subtle nuances" of consent versus rape? 3.) Could

*Keith Purr-ban

But if it were a face, with the parts labelled "mouth" and "eye," would you say, that's not the mouth really? That's only the lips which are the entrance to the mouth? When a two or three year old identifies the "eye" or the "ear," we don't correct them and say, no, that's just the cornea, most of the eye is inside

I will now start working "lost his tits" into my every conversation.

yes, I know the difference medically, y'all, but language is flexible, and we have colloquially adopted vagina as a reference to the entire kit and caboodle (kitten caboodle? I never remember which one is right), much like how when I say penis, I generally mean "balls included" to refer to the whole entire unit. But

You jest, but we had a cop at the house before Christmas. There's been a string of thefts, and the hooligans (ruffians?) stole some of our mail. When the cop came in, our youngest cat LOST HIS TITS. He started rubbing against the cop, jumping around like a kangaroo, and attacking the blinds. He kept stopping his

There is a strong wave of anti-Semitism coming from SOME of the Muslim communities in France, particularly ones with very new immigrants (and, unsurprisingly, those are very much the same Muslim immigrant communities that are most vulnerable to recruitment by radical Islamists), but European Jews and European Muslims

There are two wonderful things happening here in this story:

Most people in the UK don't have health insurance in the sense that you mean. Everyone pays a tax on our earnings called National Insurance and that money is earmarked for the welfare state - health care, state benefits, all of that. NI doesn't cover it all, so it's topped up by other taxes, but we pay for health care

  • A rodent's nest with multiple rodents in a plastic-lined box in a cooler that had thawing rib meat on top of melons.

Society wants women to courageously fight back against their attackers and be brutalized doing so because it fuels the media machine that is powered by sexualizing violence against women. They'd rather have a dead martyr than a living victim who might say things that hurt their feelings, because that martyr no longer

Women can't win. If we stay silent about our harassment/abuse, people will blame us for not saying anything. If we DON'T stay silent, we're still condemned or worse, killed. When are people finally going to understand that WE are not responsible for the actions of men? This man was so insulted that a woman would

Between this and the rimjob article linked here today, I'm glad I'm too old and celibate for all this nonsense. I'm gonna go get me another cat and see what's on Netflix.

Sooooo...a double blowie is two mouths, one cock? Cuz I always thought they were two cocks, one mouth. Which I've done. Don't judge me.