But we don’t know what these emails contain, or even if they’re new emails. He literally said “hey, I don’t know what this is but we’re going to look into it” in the most public, calculated way possible and at a moment designed to disrupt an election.
More needs to be made of the fact that a Presidential candidate that has had a habit of saying fascistic things and proposing fascistic policies has such solid backing from law enforcement agencies that would have to enforce his fascist policies (FOP, Comey, military, etc.). They seem eager to participate in things…
So it’s cool for this guy to comment on the investigation (despite not having actually seen these Weiner emails), yet he can’t comment on the ongoing Trump/Russian hacker investigation because it’s ongoing. That’s not the least bit suspicious.
Thinking that Hillary Clinton flies around the world in an invisible jet murdering people kind of makes me want to vote for her even more than I already do.
What an idiot. Donald Trump didn’t want her to commit voter fraud. He wanted her to stand silently outside a polling place in a liberal-leaning area with a gun.
Fuck James Comey right in his smug eyeball with Anthony Weiner’s cock.
How do you send a FUCK YOU to the ruling class by voting for a rich, vulgar WASP? I understand Moore’s point — it’s all about image in the end — but Trump literally IS the ruling class.
Whenever I hear someone go , “But why now? Why all these women now?” Let me use my experience and simple rational logic to explain WHY NOW.
As much as I hate to say it, nothing’ll teach a man not to rape like a bullet in the face. It would be nice if parents, politicians, entertainment, and schools did their part though.
Some of us are “some people”. Congrats on being privileged and rich enough not to have to give any fucks about society, though. That must be sweet.
Huh? Trump is Lando? So he’s going to lose big in a bad bet, be forced into helping Darth Putin, and in the last act get a chance to redeem himself as a war hero...except we know Trump will do anything to keep himself out of combat, so that last part won’t work. Yeah, not sure about this analogy.
Oh, come on. This is entirely politically motivated. I mean you could point to the investigation into Colin Powell using an AOL account for his private emails while in office, and him deleting all of them and not filing them per FOIA rules... but those hearings didn’t happen. Nor did hearings happen for for the…
Only in your bizarro universe.
but they were all running against a man. and that man’s last name wasn’t Clinton.
Right?? He was literally belly laughing in his freaking wheelchair, “come on, let’s go vote him into office! President Trump, here we come, ha ha hah!”
no, his scolding of clinton after he said they found nothing to prosecute was the fucking bluster of a man who wanted to catch her. it was also sexist as fuck. There was no need, he’s got a personal agenda.
I just took my 86-year old Dad to vote and it was so exciting. He thought it was hilarious to tease me the entire time that he was voting for Trump, but I watched him proudly cast his ballot for Hillary. (I think it also helped that I told him Mom would march down from heaven and kill him if he didn’t vote for…
If she wins then gets successfully impeached Tim Kaine becomes president, not some random republican. STOP PANICKING
You win a star, good sir, but more importantly you have won my heart.