
Meanwhile Mike Huckabee is making even more of an ass out of himself than usual

I love how his lips were quivering as he desperately wanted to say “woman” while hearing his advisers say “call her a person” and his hands saying “TITTIES”

Guys, my (Latino) husband doesn’t know it yet because he’s not home, but our couples Halloween costume is now Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre, this nightmare election is finally giving me something useful.

She literally had to debate my elementary school bully. Except on a national stage. And had to take him seriously.


it doesn’t matter because she completely destroyed him tonight. she did not come to play. in the last debate she was like, “la la la pussy tape will handle everything,” but today she came ready for battle.

BBC Radio, last Friday: “Hillary Clinton, of course, is everything Donald Trump hates: a woman of the same age as him”.

“America: Singlehandedly Making Brexit Look Not So Bad On The ‘Fucking Disaster’ Scale”

And his supporters don’t get it. If you cast doubt on the basic ideas of free elections and orderly tranfer of power, this whole idea of republic is shot. The Constitution that they claim to revere as handed down from god might as well be toilet paper.

Remember, this is a man who respects women more than anyone else.

He just made an absolute MOCKERY of our democracy. There are no other words to describe this.

“Stick it to the man, vote for the woman”

Yeah, okay. You guys don’t have a sense of humor. Duly noted.

Alright, I have two weakass Ivanka Trump anecdotes:

We’ve reached out to the Trump campaign for comment on Ivanka’s cock preferences, and will update if and when we receive a response.

Does she not have internet?

She is not smart. I’ve watched her on the Sunday morning talk shows for years and she’s consistently the dumbest commenter.

Inserting Pillary joke!

This is not about ethics. This is about ideology and that she believes in. she is enthusiastically pushing for the rise of White Supremacy again as the default in this country and she is actively campaigning that my vote, as a person of color should not count. She is supporting the same terrorism that killed 9 people