
This is what I keep reminding myself. All these secessionist idiots and “got to have mah guns to protect me against the gubmint” morons seem to forget they aren’t Rambo. Also that Rambo didn’t have to fight drones. It’s more like Gomer Pyle vs the Predator. The other side of the coin is that they don’t have to mount a

Jeebus, I am SO sorry that happened to you, and I wish this bastard a lifetime of stepping on Legos in the dark.

Holy. Shit. Good for you for cutting that toxic person out of your life. As if it’s not hateful enough to call a woman a “stupid cunt,” do people not realize how violent it is to question if a whole category of people should not have the right to vote?!? That amendment ship sailed almost 100 years ago.

It’s because she’s a woman. They just can’t say it out loud. So they pretend it’s because she’s a liar, untrustworthy, corrupt, forced her husband to sexually assault women, created ISIS, or [insert other psychotic babble that Politico + Snopes have both already debunked here].

yeeeeahh maybe they don’t have a voice because their voice is ignorant and bigoted and no one wants to hear it? I get they feel disenfranchised. well, join the club, buddies.

He was SO taunting him. “Come on, little baby man. Come play with daddy and fuck yourself over even more for ANOTHER two weeks.”

They want a fight hmm? Bring it.

Agreed- I think the media should focus on his jaw-dropping “business” record if they want to hit him in the ego and damage his voter support further.

Dear melania,

Voldemort had a more defined policy platform.

That’s true, but a basement full of 30 year old hair spray aerosols is a recipe for disaster.

Bigots are big on trying to convince their critics that “this is how everyone is, you guys!” You’re right; it’s not boy talk. It’s sugar coated misogyny trying to disguise itself as something it’s not, and there are plenty of ignoramuses out there that believe the lie. And not in a good X Files kinda way, either.

I hate all the “boys talk” about “girls” and “dirty and bad stuff.” We’re talking about a then 59-year-old man bragging about sexual assault, not 7-year-old Donny yelling the word “penis!!” at Nancy on the playground because little Billy told him to.

She’s suggesting that her husband can’t stand up to peer pressure from Billy Bush. That might be more damning than the misogyny.

“If it’s old enough to bleed...” -Curt Schilling

I mean, what are you supposed to do if a dinner party guest starts talking about stabbing your other guests in the neck and makes a move to start smashing dishes? Just let her wreck the place? Wait for her to hurt someone?

Lie down with dogs; get up with fleas.

Just as #BillyBushMadeMeDoIt trends

Apparently, we expect more from our morning talk show hosts than we do from our presidents.