
Yeah you might pick up a horse or so if the lights are off compared to on (unless they're all LED, which draws almost no power), but it's very negligible compared to an AC compressor or engine-driven fan, or even a water pump.

It's just an enormous waste of money. I hate seeing a single-digit-mpg pumper truck and a single-digit-mpg rescue vehicle showing up to every fender bender, heart attack or playground injury.

It appears you're starting a discussion that only you will be a part of.

Oh screw you.

Is that the "last photo I ever took of her" after you sold the car?

I love that "the driver was clearly ok" part, because that's exactly how you should react. It's just retarded to expect every crash to have injuries. 'Course good luck telling that to my local fire dept that sends two rescue trucks every time somebody scratches a bumper on the super curvy road outside my neighborhood.

Damnit Gawker must have bought Richcarguy.com and cross posted this.

So your solution to being an internet jackass is to tell people that they didn't know people could be jackasses and that they should have known about it by now, and that they're now aware of it.

Hey you're so right you should be an ump, random self-assured jackass on the internet.

Any post that starts with "Um" gets read in a valley girl accent.

Yeah he should have been able to predict how badly the umps would screw up later in the game, right?

It's pretty clear but: If even the dude who got tagged says he was out, that should probably play into the arbitrary decisions of play calls by MLB umps.

Yeah that's absurd. But that's how this system works. It literally forces a manager to decide whether to challenge a blown call because he might have to hold onto that challenge for a blown call that's even worse.

Yeah but in this case it's a system that should have fixed a pervasive problem, and instead gives what appears to be a 50/50 chance of umps fixing two symptoms per game. Fix the problem, not a couple symptoms.

What's all the more infuriating about the ridiculous limits of this replay system is that it enabled Pollock to be tagged out twice in the same inning and still score a run.

Yeah there's an asshole in Central Florida who has a website like that but for clothes. They're just absurdly priced. Completely normal looking jeans for like $350. A comb for like $25.

Or who thinks the entire globe is the size of Sixth Toe County and if it's raining it can't be a desert at the same time.

Either that rendering is making that truck bounce waaaaay too much or that fake truck's air ride is terrible.

Welcome to the club.

This should have been a 10-part in-depth report on the fifth lost hubcap from the Charger in "Bullitt."