
As for record and video shops, Virgin Megastores, Tower Records and alikes were all alive.

Radiohead, Daft Punk, Roni Size, Chemical Brothers, Portishead, Erykah Badu etc.

Melanie: - Okay, Lou-is.

What a year. Sort of a golden era but where is Good Will Hunting? Donnie Brasco or Lost Highway?

'In the topic of “Worst Music Year,” 1997 is a frequent contender.' Wrong. It was a great year.

It is for this season. I love Banks but McKean killed it in many episodes.

Michael McKean is not nominated? Thats a shocker and lets admit it: a bloody disgrace.

Shameful they left out The Leftovers. Same with Michael Mckean. Jesus Christ.

I enjoyed the finale but expected way more. Mike was missing, wanted to see a bit of more 'fire'.

Let's admit it, it was another Lost-like finale, this time with a more personal, romantic and sad ending. Loved it though. Good-bye Nora and Kevin, good-bye The Leftovers! (…Departure by Max Richter)

“Don Hector, more espresso?”

This episode felt like a LOST episode on LSD. Surreal, trashy and fucked-up. Cant wait for the finale!

This was a soul wrenching episode for sure. Laurie killed it literally. The end is near!

I hope Anita will be appearing more in the future. She has a pretty good chemistry with Mike.

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.

It was a solid episode after two great ones. Lydia is back for good! I like her character. So it'saul good.

True. This episode felt like 20 mins. Thank God, it is only halftime as for the season. Plus there will be a fourth one according to the BCS Insider Podcast.