HulkHogan/Kony 2016

That hit of Josh Gordon also means RGIII's going to fail his next drug test.

and this is why I wish we were all still in the gray.

I love Cleveland sports. 1988 I was 8 years old and dad took me to my first game in the Muni, and we sat in the pound. Saw Jordan crap on the Cavs (who were very good!). Dad and I went to two NBA Finals games, and we cried when Cleveland won.

Making the score 10-27. Against the Bucs.

That was all on the lazy safety not coming over the top to help, just ask Miko Grimes.


Holy crap, that is what I call cherry picking your data. I’m a pediatric orthopaedist, so I speak from a point of knowledge here.

So am I, because a guy from Boston rooting for the Steelers is automatically an asshole in my book.

We quit going to a bar in Laramie, WY because of people exactly like this. There were 4 of them that were Steelers fans and they hung out with a “real Rams fan, not those pussy St. Louis ones.” I used to wonder why the bar even let them come every week, they drove everyone else away.

So am I, because a guy from Boston rooting for the Steelers is automatically an asshole in my book.

Roethlisberger looks like someone tried to make Will Ferrell in Fallout 4 but fucked up.

“There are more injuries to kids from falling off of bikes, scooters, falling in playgrounds, then there are in youth football.”

Me, myself, & I find this statement offensive.

De La Soul? More like De La Soul Long.

No it sounds like he smoked something he shouldn’t have like spice or flakka. Both of those can mess you up for life cause you never really know what’s in them.

update. after a call to the whitehouse, the white house response: “no, WE are the ones who taught al qaeda to fly planes”

This doesn’t sound like CTE symptoms. More like early adult onset schizophrenia.

You don’t really have to say his name, though. Like all trolls he lives for attention, everyone knows who led the attack on Leslie Jones but it’s more fun if you don’t give him the credit he craves.

Obviously the hacking was wrong and despicable, but what was she doing on her website server with her passport and driver’s license? Why was that info put on the website server in the first place? Or her naked pictures?

sadly, i have to give this gentleman +1 :(
it is far to barren playerwise but i supppose thats the downside of having such a large playpen as ELITE provides.

yes arena stuff is ok to jump into for some quick pvp...
they should however, raise incentive for players to gather at specific systems if you are a lone wolf