She was raised by Saw Gerrera and part of his army before that
She was raised by Saw Gerrera and part of his army before that
Not to mention that “choice” means just that. You can’t want choice for women then be upset when they make a selection you disagree with. Plenty of women choose to give birth and allow a family who can’t conceive to adopt their children.
Made total sense when i read that. I’m generalizing (because I like to and I can) but i find that most people who go by initials are azz wholes.
We don’t have to tolerate or accept bigotry, but I feel uncomfortable at the suggestion that opinions are something people are only ‘allowed’ to have. Even vile ones.
I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone when I read the various negative reactions to this film. Like, I genuinely do not understand how we saw the same film.
My exact response.
Given that Coulson is scheduled to appear in the Captain Marvel movie, this could just as easily be the moment where they re-integrate AoS with the movie continuity.
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see why race has anything to do with liking an anime show. I’m Mexican-American, and I loved the show because it’s fucking awesome. Plain and simple. GT on the other hand, I think every ethnicity/race can agree it’s shit :)
Wow do I hate gamers like this. I know there are bad apples in every kind of hobby/fandom/whatever, but man oh man is this particular brand of bullshit getting way too common for my liking.
To be fair, it was a different era. In 1998, urinating in other people’s beds wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today.
I paid 18 bucks for taco bell last week
Learn the truth... they found evidence of controlled demolitions in the Death Star