
Its funny. But every word you just said was wrong.

Also you dont get the point at all...

I would really love it, that after saving earth from “The Future” as a cliffhanger Thanos Snap happens and boom.... sixt season have to deal with that.
Great Opportuinity here!

I wonder how this show is not object how highly controverse discussions.
Its objectification of women is absurd.... men driving Mechas by using women .. doggy style.

What The Fuck... how is that not critisized like an ass shown for 2 Seconds by an white, american director?

the Trailer for arranowskis Mother with only one image from the film was the best trailer ever.

Geez people have problems..... yawn. I am glab we can just watch the show with out any trouble. The only place where i see dumb shit like that is the internet. In Reallife... never!

part of the problem is to find in so many fandoms.

Tell me, what a Game do “YOU” need?

actually its not the Handbook of “ethnic_minority_funny_sidekick”
its just the Handbook of funny Sidekicks.... its has been done to so many people of any color... being a funny sidekick is never very deep.


Who is not getting the joke?

no shit, thanks for the warning.... lol

I dont get the invented Televison stuff.... is it a refrence to a Show, character or film?

As i undertood it, its a company owned by black people and they made two Spots that... includes white women and that is considered White Washing?
Hmmm.... weird. When i take both Spots, Women of Color are still more present. Isnt it good thing, that you have a company targeting diversity?
What i dont get here?

i really dont like the usage of the word “bitch”, but it seems very legit to react like he did. Like... waiting to call her that after she left.
What a terrible person, lost every respect!

Whats wrong with people?

Hey... its not Cool that Scarlett Johanson is playing an Asian Character. Because, she is an Actress, and Actors schould only play there own “Race”.... Wait what? I Thought as an Actor you are supposed to play everything. Isnt that in the purpose of Acting. To Become someone else... or to portray someone. What does it

havent read it.... came to agree!

And That is the Same bullshit like: Asian Characters should always be played by Asian Actors. But Iron Fist should be played by an asian, because: Kungfu.


well-intenioned doesnt mean its right or good.


Ähm... yeah and here we are. Non Whites cant have the name Erin...
And Asians should always be played by asian.... etc.

Guys, Girls, all in between.... well meant doesnt mean good!