So the creator of Attack on Titan is an Imperialist, Jingoist xenophobe who believes Japan was helping Korea and China by committing obvious war crimes, and an editor of it is a murderer. And people wonder why I don’t like Attack on Titan.
So the creator of Attack on Titan is an Imperialist, Jingoist xenophobe who believes Japan was helping Korea and China by committing obvious war crimes, and an editor of it is a murderer. And people wonder why I don’t like Attack on Titan.
So instead of being smart and full of dramatic tension and fleshed out villains. It’s incredibly dumb and the villains are of the Saturday morning cartoon variety.
See also Dragonball Z.
Personally I blame Fairy Tail more than Oda. Yeah I am not going to win any friends here, but Fairy Tail copied a lot of One Piece’s style.
Don’t forget the deconstructionist elements about Japanese society and how the current conformist culture of modern Japan hurt the youth who have to constrain their true feelings.
I think the Amalgam imprint is a good idea, but instead of fusing the characters instead fuse the universes together. Have a JLA that stands for Justice League of Avengers and other cool idea.
True and he is a proud man. And Japanese social society is absolutely messed up.
The guy suffers from both physical and mental health issues. The reason why Yu Yu Hakusho ended the way it did was because he originally submitted The Demon War Saga where he would deconstruct Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei. It came with the promise that not everyone would get out alive. I think either Hiei was going to…