
But in a greek tragedy, we can look forward to the rise and fall of a hero or something. Anakin, whether by writing, acting or directing, was just such a non-entity that it's really hard to care for him. His turn in III would have been so much more powerful if he would have been somewhat likeable in II.

The whole chopping thing is so overplayed by now. With Luke, it was a big WTF OMG! With Obi-Wan dicing Anakin, at least that explained the need for the Vader suit. All other times it just felt like fan service. Because, hey, light sabers equal limbs flying left and right.

When the last Lord of the Rings came out, I went to one of those marathons. I got really sleepy around Helm's Deep, and was just so bored during the final (new! first viewing!) movie. I like ROTK just fine, but I can't recommend marathons if it's your first time with the new one.

It's my favorite of the prequels. It's a small but complete story, like ANH, which is my favorite of the originals. And it doesn't have pouty passive-agressive Christiansen and that godawful romance.

What killed Sith for me is that Anakin's turn is just so unbelievable. So he's always been a little shit, a fact that Ben never noticed somehow, but the tipping point was Padme's imminent death. Since their romance might be one the worst movie romances ever, I just don't buy it.

I think the same, but I want to point out a specific point brought up in the recent "prequels aren't all crap, durr" article here: The opening space battle in Ep III.

Is too mean to hope for their career implosion, so they have to resort to gay for pay?

He'll always be Captain Mathew Gideon to me ;) *nerd*
And it's true, that was the first time I ever saw him, can't unsee it now.