
There are many valid reasons to not speak out. I am sure you had your reasons. Please don’t be hard on yourself! You had reasons.

Well there was talk of Russia hacking RNC emails. I’m willing to bet some of the stuff they found makes the pee pee tape look like a kiss on the cheek. I firmly believe that for as much as these fuckers rail against LGBTQ and birth control (aka a woman’s sexual agency), at least one of them has a browser history that

And Russia has stuff on all of them thanks to the hacks of the RNC.

Yeah, remember the suit scandal? Obama wore a tan suit and fox wanted to impeach. Good times.

He has dirt on a majority of the GOP, it’s pretty obvious. He had nothing on Corker so he’s trying to make up lies about him. Whenever Ryan or McConnell say something negative, Trump insults them and they back down. It’s definitely a sign that he’s got info on them they want to keep secret.

I honestly can’t believe it’s gone on this long. Where are the patriots in DC defending our freedom, our right not be ruled by a petty maniac who can’t remember where he left the launch codes?

It’s amazing how much love people project onto an embryo inside a woman’s body (as long as she doesn’t want it there) and how much disdain they’ll give an actual grown human person.

“Hey, if you didn’t want to get fucked by Hurricane Harvey, you should have used protection.”

~ Texas GOP

Yeah. Rita is exactly why Houston officials don’t want to evacuate. More people died in traffic than in this storm so far.

Dickinson isn’t Houston.

Of course they’re from Hurricane Rita—that’s the point. You clearly did not read the OP in the link. Last time a sudden mass evacuation was ordered, hundreds of people died because that’s what happens when you try to do a sudden mass evacuation. This is a MASSIVE city with millions of people. The mayor made exactly

Mass evacuations are often counter productive in these situations, if you aren’t in a low lying area likely to get over run by storm surge. If everyone had evacuated the roads would have been a parking lot and then people would have died on flooded highways.

In an email to me this morning, my mom wrote “You know, I felt bad for McCain last week, but to leave his sick bed in order to take away other people’s health insurance? FUCK HIM.”

Nobody is dying on any hills. We’re just wondering why you would pretend to be a lawyer on the internet and keep it going so long.

You just assume nobody looks to see what someone puts on those? Silly.

I would stop responding to him, he’s an obvious liar with no concept of the legal definition of conspiracy, concealment, etc. He’s gas lighting people and slinging shit all over the place while being so woefully stupid, it’s almost sad to pick on him. He hasn’t said one thing about the law that’s been correct.

And not a damn thing will change for black lives or PoC.

4. Internet Commenters will claim that this case proves that unarmed white people get shot by police just as much as unarmed Black people, and there is no particular targeting of Black people by police.


You can not enter to Mu Mu land then.