
Wow, thank you for this Kotaku. Your quick coverage of this has allowed me to get front row seats to the Orlando concert. I never thought I'd even be able to go to one of these. So excited!

The Four Swords from the Game Boy Advance edition of A Link to the Past plus the Four Swords Adventure game for Gamecube.

And Blockbuster probably had it because many didn't get them until after the launch. I worked at a Blockbuster at the time and was expecting to get mine from the store. I got progressively whiter in the face on launch day as no truck showed up. I ended up having to go to the Best Buy nearby and camp out all night

Alien (Ridley Scott original), not Aliens (James Cameron sequel)

The discs being used have the same capacity of blu-ray, they are just proprietary.

I'd love to but it stopped working for me and seems to have disappeared from the net. If you have some tips on how to get it working again let me know please.

I refuse to refer to Larry as Lana until he comes out and explicitly says what he would like to be referred to as. I actually find it pretty irresponsible on the part of the media to do so. He has always been credited as Larry and a part of the "Wachowski Brothers". If that is to change then it is up to him to spread

I wish to say so much but it would only diminish the greatness of what you have said so I will simply say "thank you so much, I agree completely".

@Peanut The Kidnapper: I kept wondering what the huge black things were in front of them. Then I remembered the Duke. I think that controller was bigger than the Wii U controllers will be!

Even with a Universal Remote it can be pretty complicated. My Surround Sound remote can pretty much control all components of my system but it requires changing things so much that I just use the individual remotes most of the time.

@ri59: I was gonna point that out too. And if you combine it with the Lock Weather plugin for Lockinfo then you can get a 7 day forecast plus constantly updated current info on your lockscreen.

@Dan Taraborrelli: You could try Google Voice. I have mine set to ask new callers for their name, robo-telemarketers just assume it is VM and hang up.

To everybody that disagreed with me: Look, I may have overstated some stuff but I was just replying to what the game presented. I'm not saying that you are some god that can control ALL aspects of your life. S*** happens sometimes, but not to this degree (this is unquestionable since, as many have pointed out, the

OK, this thing is total garbage. I have been in a worse situation than this thing describes (nearly overdrawn bank account, two maxed out credit cards, student loans over $40,000 and a very low paying, part-time job). The problem here is that it assumes that you want to live outside of your means.

@Cad97dude: No, the point of jailbreaking is to do things to the phone that Apple will not allow. Piracy is one of those things but the general jailbreaking community is not solely focused on that. In fact the most expensive app I have purchased is MyWi which is a jailbreak app.

@rheinrich76: Bricking an iPhone is nearly impossible with today's tools. I've jailbroken on three seperate firmwares on two devices and neither has been bricked. My brother jailbreaks as well and has had no trouble.

@Dexomega: Aaaaaand then humanity disappears. You need more than 2 kids per couple to sustain a population to make up for those that die without ever having children or death during childbirth etc. I think it is somewhere in the range of 2.1-2.3 kids per monogamous couple.

@Junkan: My thoughts exactly

@chauncy that billups: Earth is our only reference point and our reference point just showed that we have been wrong for...all of our existence. Reading your other responses just shows that you are either hyper anti-NASA or just trolling for attention so I will stop giving you any. If you fail to see the import of

@chauncy that billups: It shows that life can possibly exist that is totally different from any that we have seen before. This also means that life could live in totally different environments than we previously thought. Life could live in the methane oceans of some alien planet and have a DNA structure based on some