Solution is simple: have a budget that pays for true costs of labor. That might mean 50k/yr less for coaches and admins, which is the problem.
Solution is simple: have a budget that pays for true costs of labor. That might mean 50k/yr less for coaches and admins, which is the problem.
Congratulations on finding the outlier. Unpaid internships are still bullshit.
You must literally have a PSTD disorder from hearing PIN Number.
Have you ever heard a sucker referred to as “a luke” or “a matthew” before? No, didn’t think so.
There’s a term for guys like you, and it shares a name with one of the Synoptic Gospels.
.183 AVG
I can’t believe we have to re-litigate this, but the 13th Amendment outlawed owning ANYBODY.
Post-season games... will cost the same.
A spitting image.
Oh my god, reel it in. This is the dumbest hill you could possibly choose to die on. As a black person who has had family members in the Civil War, WWII (as a cook on a ship in the Pacific, mind you, because my grandpa was too stoopid and black to learn to do anything else), Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf, Afghanistan, and…
Your concern for a piece of fabric rather than the people who have to live under it is the reason so many people think the flag is shit. Well, that and the fact that that flag has stood for (and continues to stand for) white supremacy, genocide, and discrimination.
I had relatives too. The flag is cloth. The country isn’t actually the flag.
Look at who recommends you. Look at who agrees and comments back to you. Or better yet, head over to Fusion. The Root isn’t really your cup of tea.
He better stay hidden, because he is due a fastball in the ear for all that showboating.
Pfftt...How do you know it was an innocent romp?
Wrong. I love this country enough to be vocal about its failures, whether its about the oppression of its own citizens or forsaking its moral tenets when immigrants happen to be brown. As our beloved Auntie Maxine Waters said, those who actively or passively allow the state or anyone else to treat “undesireables” like…
“Building the wall IS NOT RACIST!!!! Stupid, cowardly people. Good grief,” wrote one person.
That cartoon is often relevant, but not here. Public schools are part of the government, but the Supreme Court has found that students don’t actually have full civil rights, and that their speech can be abridged.
Because to them, it is funny to be a bigot.
I see Betsy DeVos curriculum is making the rounds.