
This is gross. Nobody should be donating to the NC GOP, no matter the circumstances. Liberals are actively giving money to the people behind HB2, their funds are going to an organization trying to make life hell for the most vulnerable people of the state.

Conspiracy theory: President Obama won’t speak out about this for the same reason he won’t release his college records: he secretly went to Clown College.

Wait for a report, then talk.

How odd!

Reddit told me that his dick got cut off so until there’s proof something else happened, preferably with pictures of a chart of something, I’m going with that.

Yeah, Dinosaurs used to do shit like this

Buddy, just wait til you find out what the opposite of “Congress” is.

Their wall’s gonna need a new name once Trump builds ours!

What’s just as fascinating is that a week ago they weren’t: Wentz was #3 on the depth chart behind Bradford and Daniel and not only was there heavy talk that he wouldn’t play at all this season, there were people saying he wouldn’t even dress, just like Goff.

If he looks kinda butt, what does Christian Hackenberg look like?

Fuck private schools in general, they’re just a way for the most powerful and privileged members of society to abandon public schools rather than bettering them. Their kids don’t have to go there so their failings aren’t their problem. These parents want others to subsidize their ability to escape this school and

It is the word the “accused” uses right in the article

Not wrong at all. There’s a reason this really doesn’t happen under the current CBA. It’s all in the Chargers approach towards rookie contracts that just doesn’t line up well with what is accepted as reasonable for a top 5 pick.

He was demanding they choose one or another, and it looks like they basically did.

2004. 3rd place, 9-6

It is! But details and perspective are important to understand what’s actually being done and what’s left to be done.

The Justice Department isn’t, which covers...13 prisons. Most private prisons aren’t federal, and of those that are, most aren’t under the DOJ, but DHS.