
Would they uphold MMA competition bans for pro wrestling? I really doubt it. If Hunt pounded the shit out of him and he got tagged with a long no-contact suspension, then sure, because wrestling is ‘contact’ regardless of its scripted nature, but I don’t think they’d stop him wrestling as long as he’s allowed contact.

But I’m more interested in the old school fight poster that’s peeling off the wall. Does that say Alex Riley versus Elias Samson? Maybe one of our eagle-eyed readers can read more of what’s on the poster or identify the original source.

You’re right. This article about the poll paints perhaps a grimmer picture than most Americans would, though:

Well, according to one poll, 85% of Iraqis and 82% of Syrians believe the US created IS, 71% of Iraqis blame al-Maliki government policies, and 93% of Iraqis/76% of Syrians(94% in government-held regions) have a negative opinion of IS, so there’s a lot of crossover in those answers.

There’s a massive difference between choosing to leave a relationship and repeatedly pushing for someone to kill themselves, including mid-suicide attempt when they have second thoughts.

Or Jeff Monson, the former UFC heavyweight contender and social worker who moved to Russia and now finds himself in RT articles decrying American imperialism.

It’s even more painful when you consider these heartbreaking stories are being used to push public opinion on such deeply flawed legislation. This bill wouldn’t have saved his life, this bill doesn’t even represent progress. It represents creating categories of Americans, the ones entitled to due process and ones that

Wouldn’t anybody on a 1st round rookie deal next year, not just this year’s picks, be getting fucked, then? And if rookie salaries aren’t tied to the salary cap, how are next year’s picks not even more screwed when everybody else signing a new deal except them gets a big pay bump?

Funny enough, John Lewis is literally the sort of “potentially dangerous” person Democrats are trying to strip of being able to purchase guns.

No, silly, Bush only deserves credit for the victory that allowed us to withdraw!

If this goes through it won’t keep anybody safer, none of the mass shooters we’ve seen in the news were on the watchlist, this legislation wouldn’t have stopped the legal purchase of the weapons used at Pulse or at Sandy Hook.

Good idea: Comprehensive legislation to limit gun sales, close loopholes, etc.

Seems important to note that his people noted that he was dumb and wrong about an hour later and that he’s not continuing to insist this, as much as he may prefer to.

All hail.

I dunno, The Economist told me their Wahhabism should be cheered, so I think we’ve gotta go with that.