
Really? I think it’s fairly easy to pick up. 

Gen X guy here, and you’re full of shit. That show was a huge fucking hit, and I don’t remember a ton of PR: I literally heard about it from my GF. The show just caught at the right time.

It does have a gay couple, but their story didn’t start until last week, and it gained steam this week. I kind of felt the same way, but now I think their plot is one of the more interesting parts of the show.

I don’t care how bad it is, I want it to be the biggest hit ever. They’re already saying it might have a historic opening and I hope it does because One Million Moms (75K actual members last time I checked) and the American Family Association and other assorted bigots have launched a boycott, and I want them

Seattle for the win. Nordstrom, Costco, Starbucks, Boeing, Amazon, Microsoft, Expedia, these are the big ass companies that are/need to tell cheeto boy to shut the fuck up.

This will bother Trump more than protests.

So, this just occurred to me while reading your article. Do you think it would help, if the game could be played either way? Is it enough to simply reverse the trope?

Don’t: Use “Trim” in this context, ever again.

Typo... what you did there, I see it.

We have laws giving the government the authority to enforce quarantines, so what you're describing is not going to happen. If Nigeria has the medical and military infrastructure to put out an outbreak, we sure as fuck do.

I'd judge the fuck outta her. Also maybe report her to CPS.

Nope. Sorry, they were terrible.

"Lady Slave Times"

I don't like the idea that one crazy lady is the voice of feminism.

Mean Girls was WAAAAY better than Heathers.

I feel like this article is all over the place. The author keeps trying to show that Mimi's sex tape is not "just" sex tape, yet doesn't explain what else it is, just says that because she's black, people are reacting differently (more harshly) to it. However, from all accounts, it really is just another sex tape.