
To me more Than the flaw, it is the way apple pr handled the issue, it is an epic fail

@Lo0ods: Hello Steve jobs

@iansilv: Ha no matter what apple does giz gets info before apple gets it.

@Hilo:or use terms like top kill. Maybe apple is merging with british petroleum

They are planning to raise the price of bumpers and focus more on bumpers . Steve will never agree it is a flaw especially when it was introduced as a brilliant engineering.

Not just that .. it is how people clapped .. and made noises unable to contain their excitement. I mean come on they dont even know what they heard, the people who go to apple conferences are sort of dumb and dummies, who have no clue, all they know is steve said something lets clap .. well here is my iCrap, clap clap

this is so funny that i cannot laugh, i did puke a few times. I mean i forgot what funny means !

Not only it is ONLY 250$ , but also it will take 3-4weeks, so you will be without phone for 3-4 weeks, Awesome ! i like this idea too much, i am going to my bank , i want to personally go and give them money and phone, and maybe they can answer my calls too. I mean why not take 2-3 months ! So that there is no chance

Did you say $250 ? Can i give them $500 please.

@digisplicer: i mean thats a good point, but like i said though i am a right hander, my left ear also works ! So should i not use my left ear ?

@ryszard: when so many people have replicated it what else do you want ? You want apple to replicate in their "world class lab" ? Will i be allowed to live in the lab for ever ? I mean when will you think it is a flaw ? When steve jobs agrees ? Yes its people like you that makes steve jobs the king, and he thought he

i mean first why do people say this is a problem for lefties ? Rather it is a bigger problem for righties ! When you are right handed you hold the phone in left so that you can type with your right. So the problem ! I mean its so simple but people always say it s a problem for lefties ! Come on wake up.

i also had put a message about whether i should cancel my preorder .. that was 10 days ago .. it was deleted within 1 hour.


crap ! I just got my iphone 4 ! I now need to activate it and then play with it and then return it .. :( so sad .. i was excited about the phone . i have been telling this for so long and most people were not bothered ! they were like well its ok .. its a small problem. Though its a huge hardware flaw, apple should

intelligent ATT, they are giving this to people so that their towers are less busy ... i mean its our wireless that would be used ! why not use skype then ? I mean this is not a gift, this is like saying, well we cannot improve our towers we are over capacity , so can you guys please use your own wireless for cell

ah .. most of the letters i get from AT&T go into the dump ! maybe i lost this :)

where is the antenna ?

i am curious what did they do !

ha .. poor man .. he lost his crops .. what will happen to his family . how will he feed them