
sure, why not just sell the circuit board as the phone ! Why even have a cover !

i think there is something called as landline.

most of these UFO images are always unclear .. i mean why ! isnt there is a decent camera anywhere ? I think 1080p camera should be made a birth right. And all these crappy cameras should be burnt down ! they just waste time ..

whats the use with limited data plans :( its like rubbing salt into wound !!!

@badasscat: i agree.. apple will always lose, it has a lucky streak .. but it is too arrogant now !

Me ordered June 17th 2:00 AM and it just shipped today ! expected delivery july 14th. Here is the mail ...

The best solution would be to cut our hands and replace with prosthetic hands. I demand Apple should pay for the operation .. i am sure apple would - as long as they dont have to recall their phones they can do anything .. but well you know how stingy they are !

something wrong with commenting system !

ah .. whats happening

ah .. whats happening

i would have collided with this confusion !

"we were stunned to see that iphone was gorgeous - most of the tests could not be completed accurately because we were awed by the beauty" look at the phone isnt it the most beautify thing on earth ?

@lankysob: awesome .. this is the best video i have seen in my life :)

@minusX: oh thanks :) lemme xperiment .. here comes my grammar mistakes ... A man go to apple stores to buys a iPhone.

@konfused: i mean maybe apple should try hypnosis.

Apple is still playing games with people .. one thing they have to remember is that there are futurama type fanboys who will agree and buy whatever apple produces, this fix is for them ! What about fix for people who are still having their senses !

@Drew Morris: no they dont solve .. i have seen my friends use invisibleShield and the problem persists (i mean full body shield)

@asten77: thats tough .. its an iphone how can you not buy it ... :)

i have seen a video which shows invisibleShield also doesnt solve the problem (full body) , then how can this solve ? I dont think these covers solve the problem. Looks like it is only the ugly bumper