
Troubling, too, is the help Avila says she initially from Apple was just to "get a new phone."

@octasquid: they clearly say they re-report from everywhere i the web - it is one of their specialty.

i dont believe apple PR. They are busy replying to what steve jobs hasnt replied. They have no other work. All they do is look up to steve to say what should we say now ! If you are in apple you are like - working under saddam hussain. I would say apple PR should focus more on addressing antenna issue rather than

true ... apple should be first sued for faking in ADS. Why are they still holding the phone wrong ? They can tell us so are their phones fine ? They are giving fake impression to people that everything is fine .. Very bad !

its not just a phone .. its an iPhone which was released so glamorously .. if it is just a phone why not just shut up and give to the market instead of "showing" off to people in WWDC and also working hard to hide it .. its just a phone isnt it.

he did what he said not to ..

@kylecpcs: same here ... these guys look more like a bunch of bandits.

good luck ...

another bunch of people who need a life

awesome .. whats the use ? apple will not bow down ... they have really done bad this time, this is possibly their biggest screwup .. shame on apple.

Why call it a standard when it wont be a standard once its released. These standards change so fast ! Give some time for standards to become standard otherwise why call it a standard when everyone comes out with standard. I am sure future devices will be full of holes, trying to satisfy every other standard !

@Greg Lloyd: like other research is saying you are not having a problem because your original signal strength is very high, and even 5 bars drop keeps you in high signal range ! So the bars never drop though your reception strength has reduced. I mean physics and electronics are not lying, it is an obvious flaw. Now

@lucky_you: you mean an owner with 5 ?

@ekornblum: The point is flaw .. There is a flaw .. apple is not acknowledging that .. that is the biggest problem, not the phone but apples arrogance. We can do million things to solve this, but so can apple, why not replace the whole internal boards with Droid incredible or any other better phone !

once again ... i want to cancel my order .. but why are people buying this brick ? why are there users who say they are happy with the phone ? Whats happening the consumer is dying in the confusion. I wish we go back to the age when we had a landline and thats of one type .. end of confusion ..

@Matt0505: and the more they are silent they will be hit hard more. They know its a hardware flaw and they need to recall the phones.

with limited data plans how do you think facetime over 3g makes sense ?

@konfused: but then wait a second, i am not sure how genuine this news is ... but given that some phones are ok , some bad, this is scary, we have a huge number of defective phones and they are not covered under warranty ? Ah apple you are falling to a new low.

too much ... which means those whos antenna are not working they have to live with it ??? Man this is crazy .. here i am cancelling my order for sure. Enough