
The fly in that particular ointment is that this is largely what Republicans want, an aristocracy (of them) living high on federal tax dollars while states are largely left to their own devices.

Step Brothers, not as good as Talladega Nights 

That Snorlax looks more like a wear whenever/wherever than just a Halloween clothing items.

That Snorlax looks more like a wear whenever/wherever than just a Halloween clothing items.

The optics would be worse if they lost more than one republican, and didn’t get at least one Dem. Murkowski isn’t in a very good position at all to vote yes here. They might get Donnelly, but I just don’t think they will. Heitkamp would regret a yes more in this situation due to a rape increase that came with the oil

This is the best one :)

I had to check to see if this was legit.  Dianne Feinstein might be a Terminator.  Her body posture in no way supports her arm position.  

Joe has a gun, apparently having a lever a child can squeeze to kill someone at range = bravery to a surprising number.

Murkowski’s taking too much flak, it was an agreement for Manchin to vote yes and Murkowski to be able to vote no while still getting Kavanaugh through easily. Murkowski will be the only republican no.  Manchin was always a yes.

I doubt that's an issue here.

The only things you’d find going to Lindsey’s house are a collection of taffeta bed ruffles, a satin fainting couch, half a dozen hungry man dinners, hundreds of letters from the odd fellows telling him he’s not welcome and to stop asking, a humidor filled with the stench of loneliness, and, worst of all, Lindsey

He had no stars and no one had replied to him, yet still in the solids. I was dumb to be pissed off enough to say anything. I’ll look back through his bs and forward what I’m referring to on, I’d be shocked if it hadn’t already been, though.

Id think it’d be tempered by the fact that he completely owns the toad. I vaguely recall Lindsey crying and trump commenting on it shortly before he fully became trump’s puppet.

Will do, I'm just stunned that he isn't at least grey.

It was exactly what Trump wanted, though.  A real nice preview of the hand up his butt during any future might have as a judge.

Ah, the keep talking because you’re volunteering information, that literally anyone can see.

Why the fuck are you ungreyed? I saw you just a bit ago describing a wet dream wherein you’d gleefully gun down feminist protesters with an AK.

I think at this stage he'd need to be in a bacta tank full of Viagra for that to be possible.  

This bit seems to be getting lost and it really shouldn't.

Keep talking, by lunch on the west coast I’ll have your mother’s maiden name, SSN, and dining preferences.