
Youre leveraging your position, in a government office, which supposing you aren’t a lying pissant, which I think a stretch, while strongly suggesting you used illegal labor, on a public, unsecured internet forum, to win a pissing contest with a stranger.

You work for the Department of Defense and are advocating gun ownership towards possible insurrection and tyranny? Can you please quit your job? You’re bad at it. I’m hoping you’re just a contractor (or more likely just lying) but the whole dropping your job on a shit post to “win an argument” doesn’t really jibe with

I have no doubt that your hypothesis is correct, but it’s also partly that Trump and that particular and growing sect that practices every hill is a hill to die on politics.

In fairness Charlie just meant that there was a chance people might actually listen to women.

Its because he and Manchin (who is 100% voting to confirm) have nothing in their arsenal other than find big moments to look like they are flying in the face of their party to be strong! From the McCain school of politics. Bereft of ideas and utterly self serving.

How about this nugget from CNN:

While I have seen the two together in photographs, I remain unconvinced that Kirstjen Nielsen isn't just John Kelly in a wig, both in form and in deed.  

Meanwhile in science:

I agree that he isn’t deserving of the hate he gets. If George Will and a BuzzFeed top ten list mated the resultant offspring would be Cillizza. Bubble-gum politics with an aim towards gravitas but falling well short and throwing the occasional wild pitch like the Graham thing. I think he means well, and these days

Written by Adam Sandler and starring Kevin James: President Burt Flebb while downing a quart-a-rocky road tucks the nuclear launch codes in the freezer because his pants are too tight to fit them and aww jeez would you look at that congress made him return the fridge he spent $30k on to fit his 6 ft. hoagies! On his

“Lindsey Graham is, to my mind, one of the five best senators in the world’s greatest deliberative body.”

Chris Davis wants you to stop picking on him.

Who does your screen grabs?  They deserve a raise.

But it's like that logic puzzle with the one guy who always lies.

Just be sure to bring your electron microscope :)

Ive been ungreyed here since something like week two of splinter being a thing.

You just gave him credit for dunking on me when he was unable to reply to my comments because he didn’t have it in him. The republicans he is saying Avenatti will reach are the unwavering supporters of trump. Please, either tell me what Avenatti is an activist for, what “fighting” he’s done, or and I’ll literally beg

Youve said nothing to contradict a single point I’ve made. The same people who would vote for Trump would foolishly vote Avenatti. And they already have Trump.

Just an aside, before I respond, which will be brief: I always find your comments thoughtful and worthwhile. So, at least on my end of it, we’re cool in perpetuity. And I certainly don’t think liking Avenatti compromises your morality in any regard.

Youre advocating for keeping the voting populace dumb. I would say that says worlds about you. A ‘tough guy’ need not use others to send a message. Which is clearly all I was saying. That you played frosh psych with me plus your disdain for an overwhelming amount of people’s ability to see what’s in front of them,