
So we just pledged aid and military support, military support to ostensibly allow Un to continue to act as a god torturing his people, to a brutal small time dictator in exchange for... Allowing NK time to rebuild their nuclear program on the sly after they damaged their facilities? For another pocket of weapons that

This mewling little shit really just needs an ass kicking, one that he’s only avoided hiding behind daddy’s money and lawyers.

I think you mean he is going to go cozy up to yet another dictator in an effort to get us into WWIII with the rest of the world. WWIII: where we are the tier two bad guys.

Boy were you not wrong! Was not expecting that.

I... Don’t know what sfw oglaf is :( I saw it somewhere in the kinja-verse more than a year ago, thought it was very funny, and vowed to re-gift it someday. This post reminded me of it, I typed in monster kiss comic strip which brings us to now :). Thank you for telling me what it is, I will internet dive!

Any substance your comment may have had evaporated into the summer heat the minute you used “nothi—- hurgh-herf-blaughhh...

Why are women less responsible for policing a man who is apparently well known for shitting all over women at the drop of a hat or whim or a twitch of his shriveled Vienna sausage? That is your question? It isn’t a very good one.

Given the percentage of them who can barely cover expenses but happily tithe for the lavish lifestyles of their “connections to god”-cum-Room 101's I’m going to guess that that level of forward thinking probably only applies to a select few, but it’s a fair point nonetheless.

Rudy pisses off the “libs” which makes the yokels gleeful. The yokels who don’t know anything about politics or care to (the willfully ignorant) combined with the leeches who do know politics and should know history well enough to know better (lets say 90% of the people in positions of power and everyone profiting off

People seem to have willingly had sex with Trump (the kids all have that leech mouth, so it tracks) , which doesn’t strain creduilty any more or less than that pairing.

“I haven’t heard a bad word about him from his ex-wives.”

There is the scarf(ascot?)/turtleneck combo above. I don’t have a single poop to give about fashion but that seems pretty egregious even to me.

Voting has proven ineffective in getting rid of Huckabees. Definitely vote, but some combination of education and encouraging humanity to shift away from being and supporing soulless leaches is the only way to... Well... Get rid of a power structure that rewards/encourages people to choose that path.

If the Ambien hadn’t messed her up before...

People will buy the excuse just to reinforce their own awful nonsense when altered. How many times have you heard: “I was drunk!” as justification for something awful. For me it’s to the point where I’d rather first make anyone’s aquaintence at a bar just there are no surprises down the line.

trump would never tag Schwarzenegger, Arnold didn’t appreciate his family’s past Nazi affiliation. donnie on the other hand...

Fallout Shelter remastered for the Apple Watch

Do you think he actually knows any quotes from/has read “The Art of the Deal”?