
Unless his housekeeper writes it that’s a no go. And, yes, I do mean Steve Bannon.

He’d chafe it off in under a week.

All this guy wants in the whole world is women dunking Weiner. Its just giving him what he wants most.

I don’t believe you and I find this offensive.

Spite. Republicans aren’t even republican anymore, and are the furthest thing from conservative, to the point where the word has no meaning other than fanatic.

Reading the thread back I’m still fairly sure you’re responding to the wrong people in the comment thread.

You’re a nut job that I forgot about till you replied yet again with more nonsense which amounts to you being to unable to defend your initial ridiculous conspiracy theories. This time sadder and mopier. Sea kelp, pal.

Thx, my dude, for the effort. Never gotten into botany. You’re a good egg, which I can say, with almost no authority at this point, is neither a drupe nor a stone fruit.

Get back here you! So are drupes the same as stone fruit? Is it just a colloquial name for drupe or are there stone fruit that aren’t drupes?

They dodged that claiming it was about Hillary.

You know he’d have peed on it first thing if he did go.

He can buy more.

All you’d have to do is have McMasters tell the press that Russia would never help a rotting whale carcass like him get elected and he’d say something pretty similar to your translation in a sit-down interview with someone the very next day.

An orgy that no one wants to go to.

Amusingly, somewhere in the bowels of the white house trump is thinking the same thing.

Wait, what is a stone fruit, then?

There were bad words? I... Man, you’re uh.. Well, to say you’re losing it, would suggest that you were in anyway balanced prior...

Yeah... I dunno about “ballistic”. Two tweets, one misspelling is practically mellow for this whoopie cushion.

You’re seriously going to grandstand being a preposterous egotist and conspiracy wacko?

You mentioned Hil— repeatedly yo—you know what, you’re right, it wasn’t funny because that’s exactly who you are and there is nothing funny about you and your ilk.