I... What? Is this just some good old fashioned anti-Semitism or..?
I... What? Is this just some good old fashioned anti-Semitism or..?
Better to just assimilate.
He didn’t cross Trump, he didn’t offer anything for the immunity but his “story”. As far as I know the offer was rejected largely due to it not being a conditional immunity agreement. All Flynn is capable of is self-aggrandizing delusions, where he is the true patriot being torn down by... forces?
O....M....G.... And Lavrov was the name of one of the evil Russians on 24! He’s not even real, doesn’t even exist! Smells like Crooked Hillary, hehe Crooked Hillary, she’s just so crooked, crooked is as crooked d- we oughta locker her up, I tell you you what!
I strongly feel that commenters named deadwing and firerosenekowolf could find common ground simply by putting on some Opeth and smoking pot.
That’s a lucky dolphin, is what that is. That said it seems to have eaten/become/done away with one of her legs.
A cynic would say money. You now have people excited about seeing the fight through. The rematch becomes a bigger deal. Just handing him the win and off to the next fight kind of takes the wind out of the sales (it’s a bad pun, deal!) of a future promotion even if a rematch.
Your limp defense for collusion with a foreign entity, is that it led to an email dump of weak “info” that was framed as worlds more damning/relevant/surprising than it was by pundits? You seriously think it’s just okay for legitimately hostile, strongly nationalist, and expansionist nation to conduct cyberattacks on…
Was this what he did with Marla? I know nothing of donnie’s love life, mostly because it’s offensive that he has one.
Jealous, I’ve never seen one fly.
I’m jealous, I’m well out of college and didn’t know anything about your school till after I graduated, but it seems like a really cool place with a really great educational philosophy.
Oh, absolutely, they are big and kind of scary. I’d take pictures, but like never too close.
:) yep! They also kind of just glare at your car like “get the f outta my way.” At my two previous apartments, I’d see them all the time, they are really cool looking, mostly just chilling in packs in the middle of the road.
Wild turkeys are the best nature sighting.
Well, the health benefits for one...
I dunno, there seem to be a preponderance of tubby middle aged white guys that would rub their tiny todgers on a shark for boost.
Damnit, I’m trying to pretend to work over here!