His hands are too small to operate an assault rifle. Like with everything else in his life he’d have someone else do it for him. If I had any photoshop-fu there would be a picture of Spicer with Trump up to his elbow in his back door.
His hands are too small to operate an assault rifle. Like with everything else in his life he’d have someone else do it for him. If I had any photoshop-fu there would be a picture of Spicer with Trump up to his elbow in his back door.
The best part is that the show (which started as a way to humiliate MBAs, and when no one gave a fig had to be turned into a showcase for W-list celebrities at minute 16 to draw any viewership) is supposed to showcase his great business chops.
When he makes it illegal to not vote for him your face is gonna be soooo red.
Currently he’s busy arming foreign militants in hotly contested areas instead of doing something of actual use, cuz when has that ever come back to bite us, rite?
And now I want to watch Star Trek instead of commenting on Kinja while pretending to work. Thanks!
One sided loyalty, anyway.
The best part of this particular Twitter rant is the hypocrisy of it coming from a draft dodger with delusions of military acumen cuz he went to boarding school/has seen Platoon.
In fairness to Trump I’m pretty sure he put Purdue up for Agriculture just because “Purdue, huh, that’s chickens right? Chickens live on farms. Boom, done!”
If by minor you mean a “sexy” 12 year old I believe he is on record evincing just such pedolections- I mean predilections.
Happened in Philly too. They knew they had no pilots or plane for a Philly to LAX flight but kept delaying the flight. My sister was stuck at the airport 10hrs. Waiting on delays and promises only for them to admit they didn’t have a plane or crew available 6 hours in. Then they didn’t comp hotel rooms or rebook.
See it’s the hated your first roommate to the point where you shunned your room that gets me. Living with another guy, in my case as a straight white make, whom I didn’t choose to live with does not prepare me for living with a woman I care about and choose to have live with me. Done that too and it was great.
Thank you! B is pretty surprising to me, I thought maybe a suicide liability thing, because however rare that would be a huge issue, but turfing out just strikes me as bizarre since you pretty much have to interact with a bunch of people, especially in a smaller school as you’d theoretically rely less on lecture type…
But they do so much less and make so much more! That means they must be Jesus blessed. Jesus loved sloth and ridiculously expensive formalwear, just look at him up on that cross, chillin’. And what do think crowns of thorns is cheap?
Since you believe that, about the premiums, well, I’ll just say it, I’ve got this bridge... You’re going to love it, I really think it’s “you”
Neither would really work, most of these people have this gizzard-esque thing where a neck should be. I think it’s where they keep their evil.
This is good info. I’ve heard good and bad about boarding school housing, knew a bunch of people that went to Hun and Princeton Day, but I don’t know how they all compare.
The ultimate goal being you can’t abort them, no one will take them, so the doctor just slaps them on the ass, adorns them with a little baby hard hat, and a lit stick of dynamite and just kind of rolls them right into the coal mines. I’m sorry “clean coal” mines. They’re bringing it back, sort of a more hardcore…
Winding up with a best friend out of a random draw room placement is friggin’ awesome. And as this is unfortunately the Internet, I feel a need to specifically indicate before I say this: no sarcasm; you’re probably a much more patient, forgiving and chill person than I’ve ever been.
I hear you but this also troubles me. If anyone works in college admin I’m curious what the line is on stuff like this.
Dude for real, Kinja is eating stars now, it’s been happening to me a lot. I think it’s gained a semblance of sentience and is calling us plebs.