11th Doctor

I like how you forget to mention PS4's shitty as fuck lineup or Xbone. Every console has a small amount of launch titles.

Yep. Plenty of games to keep me busy till then

Yeah there was another picture with more titles that are coming

Im mostly pissed with everyone because they forget E3 is 3 months after launch. Maybe Nintendo announced The Switch NOW so that they could save E3 for nothing but game announcements.

You forgot about Blazblue and Story of Seasons. A Story of Seasons (Harvest Moon) console game again is one big reason im getting the switch

PS4 launched with Resogun, Knack and Killzone. Xbone with Ryse and Dead Rising 3. Wii U with ZombiU, Nintendoland and NSMBU. I think Switch’s launch is solid.

Please do it

Wish you were

Your canon doesnt matter. You’re not a true SW fan.

Happy New Year

Listen here fuckface you can call me an asshole all you like but don;t you ever call me a Trump support you piece of shit.

Sorry I actually work hard for a living. I didnt pay over 100 bucks for both the game and season pass not to be able to come home and enjoy what I fucking paid for you cuck. The only immature manchild here is you. You got fucking problems should probably see a therapist.

The only manchild here is you judging other people without knowing them asshole.

Im 24 and I pretty much said the same thing. I didnt buy the game to have a truce I bought the game to play it.

Fuck you.

It’s your opinion but it’s a bad one.

That would be moronic

I mean Bardock was retconned in minus to be loving and caring with his wife towards Goku.

Well it is and will continue to be for the rest of its life. Get over it kiddo.