
the founder of OASIS, who is presumed dead

Is that a good thing? I don’t mind ad libs, but I do value writers, and there are very few actors I trust that far.

Seeing Palicki reminds me that I really am sorry that Marvel’s Most Wanted didn’t pan out.

I’ve decided to stop reading anything Io9 publishes on Inhumans. In this, the Inhumans join Iron Fist. There are plenty of things Io9 reports on which I have no interest in: Riverdale, the Originals, that time travel romance in Scotland. Other people dig that stuff, that’s cool. Let people like what they like. But

heh I had similar thoughts. It almost looks like it could be a Rick and Morty spinoff.

Aww skate skate

Actually, he should just get a Gladiator, full stop.

No idea.

Just keep the Nitro and drive the wheels off of it and pay down your student loans.

How about keep the Nitro and start saving money.

Yeah, being corrected about something that you’re actually ignorant about ins’t mansplaining. That ins’t what mansplaining is.

I’m going to have to watch this when I get home from work. “Sexy party” isn’t exactly original, but the video for “Cool for the Summer” did the same type of thing and was hot as hell.

wrong turn in albuquerque

I care!


The casting rumors didn’t just take on a life of their own - bullshit like this and prior articles here peddled the narrative to make outrage. If it had been casting for literally any non-POC role, we wouldn’t have heard about here (or at all).

Tesla describes “full self driving hardware” and the features that will be available in the future. These features are not currently available. From the same page you cite;

I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the Model ARRR to get that feature.