
I believe I read the truck driver thought it was clear, began to pull out, but then had to stop to let more cars pass. Wrong? Perhaps, but I see this every single day while driving on unlimited access highways. You just have to be prepared for it. As we’ve learned, it was a very bright day and I could just as easily

He’s got a ton of Autopilot content there. https://www.youtube.com/user/NexuJosh He was about as big a Tesla and Elon fan as anyone, but he didn’t temper his excitement with realism, even detailing a “cheat device” on TMC at one point to avoid the occasional nag to hold the steering wheel. (I cannot find said post

I have repeatedly commented on the idiocy of not paying attention, but I also feel like Tesla (and others) are trying to deflect from the fact that the autopilot simply wasnt well-tuned enough to see the semi. In other words, an accident like this MIGHT have happened under safeautopilot circumstances. Just because

Blackface is something specific. I’m not really supportive of it’s continued expansion into more and more situations.

I don’t think you’re going to get a reply to that. Somehow, somewhere... it’s all the fault of straight white cis men.

“We POC... often reproduce racist ideology.” Are you implying that without white imperialism, POC would not be racists?

Yes, I know that anti muslim thought isn’t unique to white people

So when an obviously hispanic person kills a muslim, it’s still white people’s fault?

Take a bow.

My larger point here is that all I want for Jurassic World 2 is for Chris Pratt to be eaten within the first ten minutes and for Bryce Dallas Howard to take the reins while Jeff Goldblum runs around in heels without his shirt on.

and yet the Lead Producer on almost every single one of his films is Kathleen Kennedy, who is now the head of Lucasfilm and who has empowered women by not only making their roles in Star Wars more important but made the head of the entire LFL storyboard team and many of it’s members women.

Maybe someday mainstream Hollywood will catch up with the porn industry.

Sign it, stamp it, get this shit to Hollywood ASAP.

Have you considered buying a car and then using it to drive as far away from New York City as possible?

Aww I saw this title and thought it was about the food.

Oh man. I read that title and thought the article was about the delicious sauce which belongs on my burrito.

her baby looks crossed with her adult sexxxxualllitay always creep me out.

I really do always wonder in situations like this - when both parties are clearly intoxicated, how do you decide who the burden of obtaining consent falls on? I have no answer. Wouldn’t the fault lie both ways, if anywhere? Neither are in a state to validly give or recognize consent. How do you put one party to